The Scholar Identification Process

December 2, 2021 The saying goes: “Charity begins at home”. TFFT is truly a place that grants you the privilege to leave your comfort zone and explore the home communities of different people across different regions. Through this experience, we were granted a tangible 3D lens of the realities of our home country. This blog

Evelyn’s TFFT Experience

October 4, 2021 Hi, my name is Evelyn Alinda Kaijage! In 2007, TFFT registered as a non-Governmental organization in Tanzania. The Foundation For Tomorrow is a multifaceted organization that beautifully blends together the welfare of the city’s community, while simultaneously breeding an internal family that functions off compassion and strength, which perfectly match the organization’s

Ndera’s Educational Journey

July 16, 2021 Friday feature! This week's blog is written by Ndera, a TFFT alumna who recently completed her time with our Scholarship Program. After twelve incredible years with TFFT, Ndera is excited for what lies ahead. With the education she has received, she is ready for her nexts steps which include dreaming big and

The Learning Centre: Video Update

  June 4, 2021 The Foundation For Tomorrow (TFFT) works to secure quality education and emotional support for orphan and vulnerable children in Tanzania and improve the quality of education in the classroom. Our new endeavor - The Learning Centre - is a first-of-its-kind community hub that will provide the surrounding community with previously out-of-reach

Student-Centered Teacher Training

May 7, 2021 In the bid to widen our reach and secure quality education for children, The Foundation For Tomorrow made an addition of two schools this financial year (2021), Ilkurot and Leganga Primary Schools in Arusha and Meru districts respectively. This was in addition to 11 other primary schools, whose teachers were previously reached,