Introducing Miller: Marketing and Communications Associate

August 2, 2019 Hello! My name is Miller Bianucci and I am humbled and overjoyed to continue my involvement with The Foundation For Tomorrow in an official capacity as the new Marketing and Communications Associate. Anyone who knows me knows that my introduction to Tanzania and TFFT has influenced the trajectory of my life.

A Window into Deo’s World

June 7, 2019 What keeps us running?  It’s not just the “what” - funding, programming, and logistics - but also the “who” that keeps us running as an effective, efficient organization each day. If we were to name that critical “who” the answer would be Deo Momburi. Literally and figuratively, Deo keeps TFFT moving forward.

A New Partnership for TFFT

April 19, 2019 The Foundation For Tomorrow’s success has, from the beginning, been founded on collaboration, best practices, and partnership.  Our growth and development have been the result of thoughtful and effective relationships both in Tanzania and the US. We are excited to announce one of our newest collaborations - a US partnership that

Introducing Thabisani!

March 15, 2019 My name is Thabisani and I am humbled and excited to embark on my new ambassadorial journey as the Country Director for the Foundation For Tomorrow based in the Arusha office in Tanzania. As I reminisce on my childhood, I am convinced that at a tender age the television opened many

The Resiliency of Women

March 8, 2019 March 8th is International Women’s Day, a day held in high regard among the TFFT Team. Despite the progress that has been made globally for women, there are still boundaries to overcome. Worldwide, 130 million girls are out of school. If this were the population of a country, it would be

White Saviorism in the Nonprofit World

March 1, 2019 “Love is profoundly political. Our deepest revolution will come when we understand this truth.” -Bell Hooks As some of you may know, TFFT’s theme of 2019 is “a window into our world.” According to a study done by the Better Business Bureau and, only 19% of people trust NGOs. And

Peer Mentor Update

February 15, 2019 “The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” Steven Spielberg. This was our training quote in December a three days training from 17th -19th December 2018. The training took place at TFFT office. This years mentoring training

NECTA 2018 Results

NECTA is the National Examination Council of Tanzania. They are responsible for administration and moderation of all exams in Tanzania. All public and most private schools use the NETCA curriculum. February 8, 2019 In the year 2018, a total of 38 TFFT scholars sat for the National examinations at different stages/education levels. It was

The Importance of Seeking Equity

January 25, 2019 The Racial Equity Institute hosted a Racial Equity Workshop in Charlotte this month, which Molly and I were lucky enough to attend. The workshop focused on a wide variety of topics and their impact on the state of race in the US today, from U.S.’s racial history to implicit bias. When

Unpacking Vulnerability

December 21, 2018 “Vulnerable” is found frequently in TFFT’s newsletters, on our website, in our notes to our donors and volunteers, and in our blog posts. Vulnerable is  heard when we speak about our scholars, written into our vision and mission statements, and scattered throughout our social media posts. We use the word vulnerable