Your Update from TFFT

September 18, 2020 As we continue to navigate the realities of COVID-19 in all aspects of our work, high ambitions and a sharp focus on ending the global learning crisis drive TFFT programming forward. This month, the TFFT community has celebrated many accomplishments and achievements as we make steady progress in our mission to deliver

Smiles in the Midst

September 4, 2020 Misty in the middle of the day, yet dusty once you set foot on ground. The clanging gong at break time between classes sends a wave of screams among the pupils, who heartily smile from ear to ear as they hastily make their way to the food serving point at one end

COVID-19 Update

July 16, 2020   To our global community,  On March 16th, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Arusha, Tanzania, the town in which TFFT scholars, teachers, and community members live, learn, and teach. Schools closed on March 17th and all scholars returned to the homes of their parents or guardians. After a

Bridging the Digital Divide

June 5, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has left us with much to do in all spheres of life. Following school closures in Tanzania, like most parts of the world a couple of months ago, the Teacher Training (TT) Program under TFFT was challenged to quickly diversify and maneuver with a plan to deliver training