Livelihood Initiatives in Engaruka Village

March 1, 2017 Daniel interns with our Psychosocial & Health Program to build TFFT’s Livelihood Initiatives. His strong passion for our mission is inspiring, and we have seen him bring a positive impact to TFFT's work. Read Daniel's reflection about his latest experience meeting with a community of women from Engaruka Village below. In mid-February, I went to Engaruka Village to

TFFT Annual Review 2017

February 23, 2017 What drives The Foundation For Tomorrow? First and foremost, TFFT is driven by the collective desire of its founder, team members, and its supporters to do the right thing for children. We developed our first strategic plan in 2012 with the participation of our stakeholders and partners. From that time on, we

Blown Away by SHARE the LOVE!

February 17, 2017 We are FEELIN' the LOVE!! This year's group of Team Leaders deserves many thanks for all the time and effort they dedicated to SHARE the LOVE with the TFFT Scholars. In this year's challenge, we selected leaders from all across the United States and even overseas! Our Team Leaders represented North Carolina, Colorado, Washington,

Introducing our SHARE the LOVE Team Leaders!

January 27, 2017 We are excited for our SHARE the LOVE Challenge to begin! We have 12 awesome Team Leaders who have committed to SHARE’n the LOVE this season. Today, meet the Challenge’s phenomenal Team can make a contribution to one of their campaigns! We hope that seeing the creativity and fun these empowering individuals have with

SHARE the LOVE 2017

January 23, 2017 Our theme for February is SHARE the LOVE, and this will be the fifth year of TFFT's fun Valentine’s Campaign Challenge. This year, we are selecting leaders from across the country and even over-seas to help us out. The goals of our Team Leaders are to gather everyone they know and spread awareness of

Arusha Modern School SuitUp Competition

October 3, 2016 Our annual Vision Trip provides the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of TFFT’s mission, programming, and reach. During the trip, visitors can see the power of our commitment and what sets TFFT apart. We welcome any interested party to visit Tanzania on our Vision Trip, and we hope that you will return home as a committed partner. This year,

My Time in Tanzania

September 27, 2016 After spending almost a year with TFFT and officially joining the team in August, I made my first ever trip to Tanzania! My three weeks in TZ have been such an incredible, informative, and eye-opening experience on both personal and professional levels. I feel fortunate to have continued to develop and expand my

Childhood Development Training

April 21, 2016 TFFT believes in the best interest of every child. Therefore, all our programs and activities are focusing on the best opportunities for any child. In regards to this; not only do we focus on children under our care, but we also go beyond that. Our programs reach many children in government and private schools

A Nod to the Past, A Look to the Future

April 20, 2016 On March 14th and 15th, The Foundation For Tomorrow conducted twin events seeking to celebrate the year's events and accomplishments, and present what is in store for the organization and its partners in the next 5 years. Since 2013, we have conducted our Annual Program Review yearly, as a show of commitment and accountability

My Happy Place

March 15, 2016 We are coming up on a month of me being back. It feels weird writing back after 12 years of all my to and from. It is home. Yes – I have two homes, two communities,  all packed into one life. I couldn’t ask for more! I hit the ground running, meeting