Full Circle Update

November 19, 2015 In 2005, Tanzania introduced a class called Personality Development and Sports (PDS) into primary school curriculum. This class aims to educate students on communication, decision-making, health, sports, teamwork, citizenship, and entrepreneurship knowledge and skills. However, limited curriculum and resources existed for PDS, and teachers were not trained to teach these topics. As

Eight Thousand Books, 11 Months, and a Dream Fulfilled

October 20, 2015 Books and reading are my biggest passions and I believe that my early introduction to books and libraries helped me get to where I am now...which is not too far really, but if you know where I came from you would appreciate my journey. Growing up, I was lucky to have

Co-Management Update

September 9, 2015 We recently welcomed Noah to our team as Training and Logistics Coordinator. You can read his introduction here. Some thoughts on my induction As in any new role, it has taken time to create and develop effective relationships. But it is an exciting, inspiring, and a very rewarding and enjoyable experience. I

Co-Management Research Pilot

August 26, 2015 The Foundation For Tomorrow carefully avoids complacency. Our inquisitive minds, collaborative efforts, and ambitious nature propel us to new heights. We are now piloting a new research project to test the effectiveness of co-management as a strategy to improve the quality of education in Tanzania. Once again we are grateful to our

Tufundishane – Issue 3

July 30, 2015 Tufundishane was born of the desire to have a platform where teachers and schools can share best practices, find out what other schools are doing, and learn from each other. Although most of the schools we train and work with are in Arusha, networking does not come naturally for them. Especially the

Collaborating with Helps Education Fund

July 9, 2015 When I chanced upon Helps Education Fund on Pinterest in 2013 while looking for literacy activities, I got excited and immediately emailed them. At that time, Helps Education Fund was offering an online opportunity for teachers to become certified Helps Trainer. Helps stands for Helping Early Literacy with Practice Strategies, a program

Teachers Co-create Kiswahili Stories for Mini-books Project

I am happy to announce that The Foundation for Tomorrow is producing Kiswahili mini-books through the generous donation of WaterBridge Outreach. The mini-books were written by a selected group of primary teachers, Teacher Resource Center Coordinator Redempta Msacky and Ward Education Coordinator, Emmanuel Kaaya, all from Meru District here in Arusha. During WaterBridge Outreach’s visit

Books of Hope

In 2013, I wrote a blog asking for help in setting up mini-literacy centers in government schools we work with. A lot of you responded by donating books from your home, boxes of pens and pencils, sharpeners, writing tablets, cash donation for bookshelves, new leveled readers, teachers’ guides, and a lot of moral support. The


In the beginning of the year as TFFT team was strategizing for our respective programs, there were 3 things that the Teacher Training Program identified as essential to enhancing our service to the teachers and schools we work with: (1) to diversify our means of providing training to teachers; (2) to provide a venue

Talking About Assessment

It has been a long time since I posted updates about the Teachers Training program. However, the long hiatus from blogging doesn’t mean we have not been busy. On the contrary, the Teachers Training Program has never been busier! From February, Uswege (the latest addition to the TFFT team and the new training coordinator) and