S.O.S. Gala Online Auction is LIVE

November 2, 2017 Good afternoon TFFT friends! Every year we anxiously count down the days until our family gathers in Charlotte to celebrate the impact of our mission together. It is hard to believe we are just 9 days away from our 11th annual S.O.S. Gala, and we cannot wait to see many of you at

Builders, Truth-Tellers, and Catalysts

September 28, 2017 Sounds fun... right?! Last month on top of getting to spend time in Tanzania (my happy place), I got to spend 4 days with a group of 700 really fascinating, driven individuals keen to learn, grow, and make this world a better place at the TEDGlobal Conference. Outside of the fact that

Graduation at Usa River Academy!

September 1, 2017 On August 26th, The TFFT family celebrated the graduation of two scholars, Yusuph E. Logeria and Mandu Joseph, from Usa River Academy. This milestone is a great symbol of TFFT’s work. The TFFT team, donors, volunteers, and partners are all happy to see orphans and vulnerable children have access to quality education

Full Circle Inter-School Competition

August 7, 2017 This year, our Full Circle Program focused on conducting an inter-school competition at the secondary school level in Arusha. Last year, TFFT's inter-school competition was conducted in Meru District with primary school students only. The approach this year was to involve government secondary schools. This competition was for mathematics, science and essay writing with the

Let’s Go Ride a Bike

July 19, 2017 Interested in traveling to Tanzania? Seeing the landscape of TFFT's work firsthand? Staying fit and working towards a massively exciting goal?! Drumroll, please...we have some special news for you... Registration for RIDETZ 2018 is officially open!! June 22 – July 5, 2018 https://vimeo.com/226055159 You can sign up on our brand new Team TFFT

Inter-School Competition for Secondary Students

June 9, 2017 TFFT's Full Circle Program has started the initial preparation for an inter-school competition that will take place in the first week of August. Last year, we hosted an essay writing and poster making competition that included participants from 52 primary schools in Meru District. This year, the competition will be for math, science, and essay

Star High School Career Day

March 14, 2017 An aspect of mentoring is to assist the mentee with formulating visions of the future, establishing goals, thinking about their skills, and to help them work out what they would like to do with their lives. With this in mind, TFFT's Scholarship Program arranged a Career Day for over 600 Tanzanian high school-aged students in

TFFT Annual Review 2017

February 23, 2017 What drives The Foundation For Tomorrow? First and foremost, TFFT is driven by the collective desire of its founder, team members, and its supporters to do the right thing for children. We developed our first strategic plan in 2012 with the participation of our stakeholders and partners. From that time on, we

Blown Away by SHARE the LOVE!

February 17, 2017 We are FEELIN' the LOVE!! This year's group of Team Leaders deserves many thanks for all the time and effort they dedicated to SHARE the LOVE with the TFFT Scholars. In this year's challenge, we selected leaders from all across the United States and even overseas! Our Team Leaders represented North Carolina, Colorado, Washington,

Family Day

December 29, 2016 Family Day is an annual TFFT tradition. It offers a rare chance for all scholars, staff, and guardians to come together to talk, play, review, connect and wrap up the year. This year we met a local fun park and reception facility, where scholars were able to play and swim while staff and