About Miller Bianucci

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So far Miller Bianucci has created 115 blog entries.

Bridging the Digital Divide

June 5, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has left us with much to do in all spheres of life. Following school closures in Tanzania, like most parts of the world a couple of months ago, the Teacher Training (TT) Program under TFFT was challenged to quickly diversify and maneuver with a plan to deliver training

Inspired by the Lived Reality

May 8, 2020 It is an undeniable truth that we are all passing through difficult times right now. This difficult time challenges us in a way we never imagined before. Their passion inspires us and their resilience keeps us all motivated even when it feels difficult. A time full of uncertainty; uncertainty

What is the Impact of COVID-19 on TFFT’s Communities?

April 24, 2020 The whole world is going through such trying times in this era. 2020 has been a fearful year from the very beginning; first it was fear of an outbreak of war, then the invasion of locusts in our neighboring country, Kenya, and now the COVID-19 pandemic that has infected the whole

A Reflection of Hope

April 10, 2020 Amidst all that is currently going on in the world, now more than ever seems like a good time to reflect upon the experiences which have profoundly shaped me as a person. My time with The Foundation For Tomorrow is one such experience which I am immensely grateful for in shaping

COVID-19 in Tanzania: A Message from TFFT

March 19, 2020 To our global community,  As of March 16th, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Arusha, Tanzania, the town in which TFFT scholars, teachers, and community members live, learn, and teach. On March 17th, we received official word from the Prime Minister that all schools will be closed for 30 days.