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So far developer has created 430 blog entries.

Matron Workshop

April 10, 2017 TFFT is able to support our scholars and other Tanzanian students by ensuring that the people who have daily interactions with them have the skills and knowledge needed to ensure positive outcomes. TFFT has programs to build the capacity of teachers, school administrators, parents and guardians, our scholars, and TFFT staff. Recently, our Psychosocial & Health Program

Usa River Academy Leadership and Entrepreneurship Club

April 3, 2017 TFFT's Full Circle Program introduced a Leadership and Entrepreneurship Club in our partner schools as an initiative to teach practical knowledge outside of the classroom. We meet after school and club activities help exercise critical and analytical thinking. We want to empower our scholars to use their talents and achieve their dreams through creative, innovative ideas. We

Hai District Study Tour

March 27, 2017 TFFT works to spread awareness about children's rights and we work to ensure that all of our scholars know their rights and feel comfortable speaking up to a trusted adult if they experience a rights violation. In order to better our knowledge and abilities, we decided to do a study in Hai District, Kilimanjaro Region. This

MG in TZ

March 23, 2017 A month in Tanzania flies by. Up first was the Kilimanjaro Half Marathon, followed by three trainings and several important meetings in Tanzania’s business capital, Dar es Salaam. In the midst of this serious work, I’ve had a ton of fun with our scholars. I even worked with our Alum, Richard Augustino

TFFT’s Bold Next Step

March 22, 2017 For over a decade, your support has made it possible to offer life-changing opportunities to some of the world’s most vulnerable youth. Thank you for your passion, your commitment, your partnership and for your faith in TFFT to offer hope and make such an invaluable difference. We are thrilled to come to

Star High School Career Day

March 14, 2017 An aspect of mentoring is to assist the mentee with formulating visions of the future, establishing goals, thinking about their skills, and to help them work out what they would like to do with their lives. With this in mind, TFFT's Scholarship Program arranged a Career Day for over 600 Tanzanian high school-aged students in

Video Education Workshop

March 8, 2017 TFFT's Teacher Training Program conducted a four-day workshop on video education for teachers in Meru District and Arusha City.  TFFT collaborated with One Mobile Projector per Trainer (OMPT), focused on training teachers to create and disseminate videos, see the importance of incorporating videos into lesson plans, and improve the quality of education by sharing the best

Livelihood Initiatives in Engaruka Village

March 1, 2017 Daniel interns with our Psychosocial & Health Program to build TFFT’s Livelihood Initiatives. His strong passion for our mission is inspiring, and we have seen him bring a positive impact to TFFT's work. Read Daniel's reflection about his latest experience meeting with a community of women from Engaruka Village below. In mid-February, I went to Engaruka Village to

TFFT Annual Review 2017

February 23, 2017 What drives The Foundation For Tomorrow? First and foremost, TFFT is driven by the collective desire of its founder, team members, and its supporters to do the right thing for children. We developed our first strategic plan in 2012 with the participation of our stakeholders and partners. From that time on, we

Full Circle Leadership and Entrepreneurship Club

February 21, 2017 Our Full Circle Program has initiated life skills clubs for secondary scholars at three of our partner schools, Arusha Modern School, Usa River Academy, and Star High School. The purpose of the clubs is to teach leadership skills, entrepreneurship, mentoring, and proper management of business. Our scholars and their peers at school practice their