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So far developer has created 430 blog entries.

Twice as Nice

May 25, 2017 Throughout the years, The Foundation For Tomorrow has seen a network of supporters from across the nation and overseas come together to make up the TFFT family. With a shared belief in our mission, the TFFT family is the backbone of our growth and success. This motivated support network has encouraged TFFT to always

TFFT Receives Accreditation from Molly’s Network

May 22, 2017 I have the pleasure to announce to our donors and supporters that The Foundation For Tomorrow received accredited status from Molly’s Network, Tanzania’s first rigorous, independent NGO accreditation agency. This accreditation means a lot to us and represents proof of the team’s sincere efforts to make our programs and operations effective and

Scholars’ Excitement for the Learning Centre

May 16, 2017 We are excited with anticipation for the groundbreaking of TFFT's Learning Centre...and so are our scholars! We believe that offering opportunity to the future generation gives hope for a better tomorrow for us all. The Learning Centre will help do just that. Equipped with a library and resource centre, technology and computer

Career Mentoring Tour

May 12, 2017 TFFT Form 4 graduates are busy individuals! This is a great privilege. For many Tanzanian students who have completed Form 4 and are waiting for the next year to start Form 5, this period can be a long drawn out time. At TFFT, we like to give our scholars during this time

Special Education Training Follow-Up

May 9, 2017 In November, special education teachers participated in a 10 day long practical training at Step-by-Step Learning Centre, one of TFFT's partner schools. The goal of this training was to build the teachers’ capacity to provide quality instructions to students with special needs or disabilities. I completed a follow-up assessment of three special education teachers at Uhuru and Meru primary schools in

TFFT Parenting Workshop

May 4, 2017 Last week, we spent time with a group of 14 guardians of our scholars at TFFT's first parent training. The main purpose of this training is for TFFT to emphasize the importance of guardians' involvement in their child's life both at home and in school. The guardians have been grouped according to geographical location, and we expect to host

Livelihood Initiatives Progress

May 1, 2017 Daniel interns with our Psychosocial & Health Program to build TFFT’s Livelihood Initiatives. His strong passion for our mission is inspiring, and we have seen him bring a positive impact to TFFT’s work. Read Daniel’s reflection about his latest projects below. TFFT's Livelihood Initiative project helps our scholars' parents and guardians learn and jump-start business plans to supplement

TFFT Alumni Meeting

April 26, 2017 Throughout the course of each TFFT Scholar's educational journey (an average of 12 years), many lasting connections and relationships develop. When a scholarship is completed, it is not possible to end the interest and concern for that young person. They have been family for too long! While financial support of a

TFFT Scholar Volunteer Work

April 24, 2017 TFFT works to empower our scholars to actively contribute to development in local communities. One way we prepare our scholars for this is by giving them the opportunity to participate in community service work. Our post form four scholars volunteer to help with a project of their choice for one month during their break from school. This

Fueling Change

April 21, 2017 A recent article in my hometown newspaper, The Charlotte Observer, made a compelling and enthusiastic case for building a $93 million—ninety-three MILLION—dollar library in downtown Charlotte. This sort of investment shows that we KNOW the value of state-of-the-art learning facilities. Then I found myself in a conversation where I had to passionately