April 21, 2017

A recent article in my hometown newspaper, The Charlotte Observer, made a compelling and enthusiastic case for building a $93 million—ninety-three MILLION—dollar library in downtown Charlotte. This sort of investment shows that we KNOW the value of state-of-the-art learning facilities.

Then I found myself in a conversation where I had to passionately insist that students in Tanzania deserve more than bare concrete walls and a tin roof.

The inequity sickens me, but the way the individuals who support The Foundation For Tomorrow respond to this inequity makes me proud.

The TFFT community has taken a stand to say this is insufficient. Together you have invested millions of dollars in making sure children in Tanzania receive the quality education they deserve. Time and again you have demonstrated that you are ready to think beyond the bare necessities in order to focus on QUALITY education for all. You have joined me in my steadfast belief that geography should not dictate how far an individual can go in their life or the quality of education someone receives.

Up until now this has taken shape through TFFT’s Scholarship, Teacher Training, and Full Circle Programs.

We are now at a time in the life of our forward-thinking organization where we are ready to build a learning centre that will change the trajectory of education in Tanzania. With an extensive and technologically advanced library and computer centre, literacy lab, teacher training centre, entrepreneur incubator, and college guidance facility, this 17,000 square foot learning centre will be a catalyst for Tanzanians to unlock their own potential.

This is a big moment for The Foundation For Tomorrow. This is a big moment for Tanzania.

In partnership and with 2.2 million dollars, we can co-create something powerful, something that will be the first of its kind in Tanzania—something that will represent and ignite hope and potential.

Through TFFT we have the unique opportunity to dream with the people of Tanzania to create a place that will open doors for students young and old. The library in Charlotte says to learners and leaders in the community: You are worth it. You have valuable ideas. Let’s build something that sends the same message to our learners and leaders in Tanzania.
