Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well, Vincent Van Gogh.
Part of what I admire so much about The Foundation for Tomorrow is the passion that drives this organization; the passion for genuine, real things such as opportunity and happiness. It’s the caring nature embedded in the Team Members, Scholars, donors, and volunteers that fuels this organization into attaining a more just world.
This past weekend, as a part of the SHARE the LOVE Campaign, Team Leader, Lambeth Allen, and I hosted a SHARE the LOVE Social. It was such a fun and eventful night most definitely filled with lots of love!
We started off the evening by having 15 girls over for some yummy salad, pasta, and Lambeth’s now famous quinoa brownies! As dinner came to a close, the girls all put on their creativity hats and made some very decorative and heartfelt Valentines for our TFFT Scholars.
After some arts & crafts, we all convened in the living room to watch TFFT’s new promotional video so eloquently put together by the Halle Project. Lambeth and I felt it was important for all of the girls attending the SHARE the LOVE Social to be able to fully understand and see what TFFT is all about.
All in all, we had a fun, love filled evening where we felt each girl walked out with a better sense of hope and idea for how to begin to attain a world filled with equal opportunity for all.