Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) Partnership

The Foundation For Tomorrow (TFFT) engages systematically with both national and local levels key actors in the education sector in order to sustainably support our teacher trainings programs in schools. In June, we had a great honor to meet with the senior leaders of Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) to further discuss areas for more collaborations in the provision of continuous professional development support for teachers between the two institutions.

TFFT’s Teachers Training Program team met with Dr. Fika Mwakabungu, Director of Curriculum Training for TIE, and Mr. Paskali Jonathan, a TIE official. It was such a productive meeting as we were able to explore a lot during our discussion and developed room for partnership. One of the things discussed was the digitalization of training modules for teachers’ continuous professional development, with an intent of increasing our reach and to diversify the means through which we conduct the in-service teachers training programs for teachers in Tanzania.

We are very excited to see this collaboration comes to fruition as it will transform the education landscape in the country. It will provide access to continuous professional development for as many teachers as possible across the country. Also, to ensure that no one is left behind, particularly those in the schools rural areas with no access to internet and electricity, we brought IlluminiAid into this partnership as another development organization whose work focus is on low-cost educative and innovative video technology. illuminAid envisions a world where electricity, illiteracy, location, language and materials are no longer barriers to positive social change. Through locally created video instruction, small improvements in knowledge dissemination can fuel this progress for individuals and communities. Since this meeting, we have started the initial conversations to plan how this collaboration is going to operate.

Additionally, we discussed the certification of TFFT’s Student-Centered Training Manual during the meeting. This was a great opportunity to have a quick review of our submitted training manual to improve student-centered teacher training. This manual is in the final stages of certification.

We were happy that the meeting was very successful and we deepened our relationships with like-minded organizations. We expect greater impact in terms of teachers’ continuous professional development in Tanzania through collaborations like these.
