Ellie started an email to family and friends by saying:
Every one of you has supported me and loved me throughout periods of my life and I wanted to thank you for that.
Ellie is a high school junior, and she is one of our nine SHARE the LOVE Challenge team leaders.
The SHARE the LOVE Challenge is an opportunity for students and young professionals to rally together in support of TFFT’s work. Each year we invite young team leaders to spread awareness for TFFT and to witness how COLLECTIVELY we can make a big difference.
Each team leader reaches out to family and friends asking for $5, $10, and $15 donations, and bit by bit, piece by piece the donations come together to amount to something great, something that will in turn help TFFT provide our scholars with the love and support they deserve. Consequently, maybe one day the TFFT scholars will take over as the team leaders and they will reach out to their networks to SHARE the LOVE and pay it forward once again. That’s the way love works… it multiplies when shared.
If you have some LOVE to share, we suggest you head over to meet the phenomenal SHARE the LOVE Challenge team leaders and make a $10 contribution to one of their campaigns!
This is an inspiring group of young women with huge hearts who understand that a little can go a LONG way if we all come together to do our part. They are hosting bake sales, sending valentines, putting together dance performances, and shouting from the rooftops all in order to SHARE some of the LOVE they’ve received and to inspire others to do the same.
There is also still time to send some tangible love to the TFFT scholars in the form of homemade valentines. More information on that over here.
I’ll end with a big thank you to and virtual hug for Ansley, Ellie, Maggie, Mary Gray, Murphy, Natalie, Sarah, Sydney, and Woodson and everyone who has loved, supported, and empowered these young women throughout their lives. They are stronger because of you and now they are asking YOU to help make a difference for Neema, Joachim, David, Joyce, Fadhili, Sophia, and all the TFFT kids!