Our theme for February is SHARE the LOVE, and this will be the third year of a fun Valentines Campaign Challenge. This year we have 12 awesome Team Leaders who have committed to SHARE’n some LOVE this season!
These young women are empowering and all capable young women with such big hearts, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have them serve as Team Leaders for this year’s challenge. The goals of our Team Leaders are to gather everyone they know and spread awareness of TFFT’s work, while ultimately showing that when working together, we can all make a difference!
The challenge runs now through February 14th, and each Team Leader will be asking family and friends to make small contributions of $5, $10, or $20 to support the vulnerable and deserving children we serve. A small donation may not seem significant, but in the end what starts out as something small, truly turns into something life-changing!
If you have some LOVE to share, we suggest you head over to meet the phenomenal SHARE the LOVE Challenge team leaders and make a $10 contribution to one of their campaigns!
Each of our Team Leaders has such creative and fun fundraising strategies, ranging from homemade Valentines, to SHARE the LOVE dinner parties, to hot cocoa sales! These fine women couldn’t be a more kind-hearted and caring group of individuals, and it is our hope that you will be just as inspired to SHARE the LOVE as they are.
We also have the fun opportunity for you to send some homemade love to the TFFT scholars! Gather your family and friends together to get crafty and make valentines for the TFFT Scholars. We will then hand deliver them to Tanzania! More information on that over here.
Lastly, on behalf of all of our TFFT team and scholars we want to emphasize our many thanks to our wonderful Team Leaders and those who have loved them and made them who they are today. It is because of individuals like you, that our scholars are able to have the opportunity to thrive and succeed in life.