How The Foundation For Tomorrow is addressing COVID-19.

Family Day 2021

January 14, 2022

Ever wondered what Family Day means for The Foundation For Tomorrow? Well, here’s an inside scoop at our Annual Family Day which typically happens every end of a year. As a new member of the team, I have a behind-the-scenes look at just how much work, planning, and creativity goes into this Family Day celebration.

What does “Family Day” means to this one big unit?

Well, I’m glad you must have asked this in your head! Each year TFFT plan an extravagant day to celebrate a get together family day where this year we plan and were able to:

  • Award best academic performance students
  • Welcome new identified scholars in a team
  • Run awareness sessions to participants
  • Conduct a yearly reflection review with parents and students
  • Invite our alumni to share their success stories
  • Motivate most active parents
  • Lastly, we have a chance to launch our new tablets project to support learning in digital platforms to our scholars and staff

The event was attended by our Board Chair, Dr. Lyaruu and his wife, TFFT staff, scholars and their parents and not forgetting our esteemed alumni and invited teachers.

To me, I believe the spirit surrounding TFFT Family Day is to bring everyone in our community together for fun and fellowship where kids enjoyed games, food, reminding students codes of conducts, sharing success stories and tons of entertainment. It’s an event you wouldn’t want to miss!

This year our Family Day was held outdoors on December 18th, a beautiful sunny Saturday at Ntine restaurant at Moshono located in the famous tourist attraction region of Arusha. Ntine is a good place for family gathering where children get places to enjoy games and music, take a look at this photo bellow where people enjoyed the good music and had fun.


After all scholars and their parents and guardians, Board member, TFFT employees, alumni and invited teachers checked in, activities started with introduction from everyone in the ground, followed by sessions (one hosted by myself to the secondary and college students on sexual and reproduction health where boys and girls were enjoyed and actively participated), then there was a special welcome notice to our nine newly identified scholars, Mary, Emmanuel, Baraka, Isaack, Maurine, Jesca, Irene, Anna and Emmanuel, they introduced themselves by saying their names and greet the audience (pictured below). It was fun, even TFFT scholar Thabitha, who is younger to all of these, responded their greetings by saying “Marahaba” (a Swahili word responding to a greeting from a young person to the adult.

Now onto the good stuff…Food and drinks!

That’s right. The food was amazing it started with a “Mtori” a porridge made from banana. We had nice lunch comprises of rice, beef meat, chicken, salad, fried potatoes, fruits, cocked banana…..yum! The caterer had also saved us with different kinds of soda and mineral water, it was enough and delicious.

We are Family

Talk about a lucky group of TFFT employees. I feel very privileged to be involved with such an organization like The Foundation For Tomorrow that truly supports vulnerable children to strive in their education and become important people to not only their community but also to their own wellbeing. Being a part of this organization and having an opportunity to attend Family Day event for the first time makes me believe I chose the right path and I’m ready to offer my expertise, experience and creativity to plan for the very best Family Days in the future.
