A journey towards somebody's destiny has never been nor never will be easy, because a journey is a journey whether short or long. On the way, one faces different challenges, which are there to help them justify their course, although the most important thing when one travels is for them to have a goal for

Good Luck Dickson!

Imagine yourself back in school. Remember those kids who always won the awards and couldn't help but work hard and get the best grades??!! I used to be so annoyed by "those types," as I was the one who had to put in significant amounts of time to just barely scrape the top. I now


On September 14th we celebrated some wonderful milestones in  eleven of our TFFT Scholars' lives. Four of our primary students finished Class 7, with only a national exam standing between them and their chance to move on to secondary school.We also had seven of our Form 4 students graduate from O-Levels. As a refresher on how the school


'Youth Migration: Moving Development Forward'...this was this year's theme on the UN International Youth Day which is celebrated on August 12 each year. Statistics show that youth form about 30% of international migrants! Yet very little is known about the livelihood, struggles, and opportunities that migration presents for young migrants and other youth who are


Since her childhood she was not sure about what she wanted to be, but she enrolled in primary school and later joined TFFT to complete her Ordinary Level education. It was not easy either to decide which route to take after her Ordinary Level completion. This important decision involved the expertise and skills of our

Your Impact

Saturday June 15, 2013 was one of my happiest days at work. Typically, Saturday is not one of the official working days at TFFT, but sometimes because of the nature of our work--love and dedication to improving the lives of vulnerable Tanzanian young ones--we have to work. This was a day which our Star High


Jambo, We are now in the last month of the first quarter in this year, I know everybody has been working hard wherever you are to make sure that the goals for this year are met by making the most of the first months of the year. In Tanzania we have a saying meaning, do

Back to School 2013

(This post was slightly delayed by the World Economic Forum excitement. Thank you for your patience, Melissa! Meghann will be back with her final reflections from Davos shortly.) After a busy holiday, the TFFT team in Tanzania got together for our first collective effort of the year—bringing back the kids to school for the start


Greetings from Arusha- Tanzania, On October 14th each year Tanzanians take a public holiday. Unlike the other public holidays we have, the focus on this day is memory rather than celebration. Why? Because on this day we remember one of the heroes of this nation, who by his wisdom, philosophy, determination, patriotism and love for

Caps and Gowns

Hello blogland! I just got back from Tanzania last night, and while I have many updates for you, I wanted to start by sharing an incredibly cool way that high school seniors from Charlotte, North Carolina impacted our students' graduation ceremony in Arusha, Tanzania. Each year Myers Park High School seniors proudly graduate wearing beautiful