Join Us In Chicago!

  This is our Chicago debut, and we hope you'll join us for an evening of good cheer in support of quality education in East Africa. Meghann Gunderman, TFFT’s Founder and Executive Director, will be in town for the occasion and looks forward to seeing you. Chicago and the surrounding suburbs have been so good

Kilimanjaro Half-Marathon

Well it’s that time of year again and I am running up quite a mountain to raise funds and awareness for QUALITY education in Tanzania. Some would say our mission itself is an uphill battle, and on certain days I would have to agree. However, I am literally running 11.5km uphill and then 11.5km straight


Our theme for February is SHARE the LOVE, and this will be the third year of a fun Valentines Campaign Challenge. This year we have 12 awesome Team Leaders who have committed to SHARE’n some LOVE this season! These young women are empowering and all capable young women with such big hearts, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to

Africa descends on DC

Last week was particularly interesting for our TFFT team and monumental for US-Africa relations. 47 of 54 African heads of state convened in DC for a Summit to encourage collaboration between our country and the African continent. I was fortunate to be able to attend the US-Africa Leaders Summit, by invitation from Ambassador Liberata Mulamula,

Wedding Bells are Ringing for Kaitlin!

The past 12 months TFFT has been doing some serious celebrating for our scholars and our team!  This weekend wedding bells are ringing as we take a breather to celebrate Kaitlin becoming Mrs. Perez!  We are pleased to announce that TFFT’s Director of Communications and Donor Development, Kaitlin Rogers is marrying the love of her

SHARE the LOVE 2014

Ellie started an email to family and friends by saying: Every one of you has supported me and loved me throughout periods of my life and I wanted to thank you for that. Ellie is a high school junior, and she is one of our nine SHARE the LOVE Challenge team leaders. The SHARE the

SHARE the LOVE Challenge

“I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do something I can do.” ― Helen Keller It is important for us each to remember that while we may not be able to fix the world of all its ailing,


Good morning and happy February! Everyone has their own feelings about the Hallmark holiday that characterizes this month. We at TFFT embrace the concept of Valentine's Day as a way to simply SHARE the LOVE. You see, Valentine's Day does not have to merely represent flowers, candy, mushy cards, romantic dinners, and other high-pressure attempts

DAVOS: A Laboratory for New Ideas

The streets are filled with country flags, logos, snow (yes obviously!), security guards, and police. Mom & pop shops have been transformed  into swanky hospitality suites for the Fortune 100 WEF members in Davos this week. The object is to engage, excite, and incite action with regards to the global agenda. The energy is electric.

First Impressions of Davos

I raced to catch my connection in DC and immediately recognized a new "virtual friend" and fellow DC Hub Global Shaper, Peter Corbett, waiting at our gate for the Zurich flight. It was nice to see a friendly face! We scooted our way across 4000+ miles and landed in Zurich. It's all invigorating--I've been in