
Covering the Basics for TFFT Scholars

May 3, 2019 “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” ― Malcolm X If preparation is the key to success, think of the added value and difference it makes for students to have not only classroom tools but basic supplies to meet their

A Window Into Baraka’s World

April 24, 2019 So, how is Baraka doing?  I am very pleased to report, after visiting with him last month, that he is thriving. I spent most of March in Tanzania, meeting with the team in Arusha, as well as getting to know our scholars, teachers, and the many people who make up their

A New Partnership for TFFT

April 19, 2019 The Foundation For Tomorrow’s success has, from the beginning, been founded on collaboration, best practices, and partnership.  Our growth and development have been the result of thoughtful and effective relationships both in Tanzania and the US. We are excited to announce one of our newest collaborations - a US partnership that

The Importance of Scholar Health

April 12, 2019 The Foundation For Tomorrow aims to provide educational scholarships to orphan and vulnerable children, and in so doing we cannot overlook their health and more so because of the environments they come from. We currently have 105 scholars of whom all are provided with medical insurance coverage. Each year we review

The Significance of Reading

April 6, 2019 As an educator, I am convinced to say that reading is one of the most significant skills we teach our children. It is a life skill that enables you and me to extend concepts, exchange information, and gives us access to the magical world of fantasy. Ability to read is key

What Weighs Nothing but Carries Great Weight?

April 4, 2019 Each quarter we intend to take a closer look into the Windows Into Our World, the world of our scholars, teachers, parents and guardians.  We want to see the progress of our scholars, of our teachers’ training, and our livelihood programs to measure the impact of The Foundation For Tomorrow (TFFT).

SuitUp with TFFT!

March 29, 2019 On the 2nd of March 2019, The Foundation For Tomorrow supported all 131 Shepherds Secondary School scholars from Form 1-4 and their teachers to participate in a Student Business Competition utilizing the SuitUp Competition Framework. The creative competition for scholars was based on them collectively bringing their minds together to come

World Water Day

March 22, 2019 Only 50 percent of Tanzania’s total population has access to an improved water source and only 34% have access to improved sanitation. While Tanzania’s economy has grown exponentially over the last decade, many people still live in poverty. Those living in rural areas have an even harder time accessing clean water

Introducing Thabisani!

March 15, 2019 My name is Thabisani and I am humbled and excited to embark on my new ambassadorial journey as the Country Director for the Foundation For Tomorrow based in the Arusha office in Tanzania. As I reminisce on my childhood, I am convinced that at a tender age the television opened many