About Miller Bianucci

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So far Miller Bianucci has created 115 blog entries.

Asante Sana from Thabo!

November 27, 2020 I have been called a night owl, as I'm also generally an evening person who tends to stay up until late at night brainstorming or thinking through some issues and how to find and build on solutions to presenting problems. I'm also an early bird as well, but that's a story for

Our 2020 Scholar Identification Process

October 16, 2020 Perhaps you are wondering how and where The Foundation For Tomorrow identifies the children we support under the Scholarship Program. In 2018, UNICEF reported that 88% of children in Tanzania are deprived in at least three dimensions of well-being. That is: Nutrition, Health, Education, Protection, Water, Housing, Sanitation and Information. Mid-year, Tanzania

Teachers: Pillars for Tomorrow

October 2, 2020 Bit by bit we treaded, as if putting stones and concrete together to make pillars. The trainees were excited and enthusiastic yet as timid as a rabbit, on training day one. The trainee group mainly consisted of teachers, a few members of the School Quality Assurance team (SQAT) and the Ward Education

Your Update from TFFT

September 18, 2020 As we continue to navigate the realities of COVID-19 in all aspects of our work, high ambitions and a sharp focus on ending the global learning crisis drive TFFT programming forward. This month, the TFFT community has celebrated many accomplishments and achievements as we make steady progress in our mission to deliver

Smiles in the Midst

September 4, 2020 Misty in the middle of the day, yet dusty once you set foot on ground. The clanging gong at break time between classes sends a wave of screams among the pupils, who heartily smile from ear to ear as they hastily make their way to the food serving point at one end

105 Destinies

August 25, 2020 105. To many this is just another number, but to the TFFT family it is our 2020 goal. 105 destinies are in our hands to impact, carefully guide, and support them to reach their goals. In such a time as now when life as we know it is shaken, we can only