About developer

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So far developer has created 430 blog entries.


In the beginning of the year as TFFT team was strategizing for our respective programs, there were 3 things that the Teacher Training Program identified as essential to enhancing our service to the teachers and schools we work with: (1) to diversify our means of providing training to teachers; (2) to provide a venue

Busy Bees

I think I say this every year, but wow…I cannot believe that the 4th of July has passed and summer is halfway over! June was a quick month for TFFT as a whole, and we were all busy bees. 12 brave, enthusiastic riders traveled to Tanzania and took on RIDETZ, the 400 mile, cross-country bike

Global Girls Project

The Global Girls Project began with a mother and daughter having a conversation about the differences in gender equality and how to promote women’s empowerment. This mother chose to stand up for her equality and shine light on what it means to promote women’s education for her daughter. The Global Girls Project creates a community

UN Student Blog

On June 30, students from 13 students from Usa River Academy traveled to the United Nation’s Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to observe the judgment reading of Augustine Bizimungu who served as Chief of Staff of the Rwandan Army during the genocide. This blog was written by two students who were in attendance—Kalangu and Suziana. Enjoy!

Anna’s Hello From Tanzania

Karibu! The past few days have been an absolute whirlwind. My name is Anna McCulla and I am interning at the TFFT office. It’s hard to believe that I am actually in Tanzania and that I will be here for the next month. I have always wanted to visit Africa and fortunately, TFFT has given

Reporters for a Day

Over the past couple of months, the TFFT scholars have been participating in Full Circle Guest Speaker Series. The program recently welcomed its third speaker, Amanda, a newspaper reporter. The students at Usa River Academy learned what it's like to be a newspaper reporter and got to try out their interview skills. Below is Amanda's

Training with RENEW at Star High

What an amazing training Uswege and I had last week!  The location was Star High Secondary School, one of our partners.  We had 30 students participating in a 6-day workshop on leadership, communication, confidence, goal setting, community service, and project planning, in collaboration with RENEW.  We had such a fabulous time with these teens as


Photo credit for all of these beautiful photos goes to Nate Kaiser, our awesome RIDETZ Photographer. Let me start by saying everyone is safe, happy, and healthy! :) I am thrilled to report that all the riders are demonstrating exceptional strength and perseverance and as they tackle this challenge. Yesterday, after completing a run that

Meet RIDETZ Rider, Aileen David

With more than 200 miles under their belts, the RIDETZ riders are well are their way to the Indian Ocean!  Yesterday, riders hiked the Usambara mountains and were treated to a gorgeous view.  Today, we introduce our last rider, Aileen David. 1)     Where are you from? My name is Aileen and I live in Beverly

Meet RIDETZ Rider Keyla Sandoval

The riders are halfway through ride RIDETZ!  Everything is going smoothly! We are excited introduce you to our next rider, Keyla. Wish her luck on the last 5 days! Where are you from?  I was born and raised in Venezuela of an Italian Father and Spanish mother. In fact, all my father’s side lives in Italy. I