TFFT’s Personalized Approach to Healthcare

March 13, 2020

Perhaps the most valuable thing about human existence is our health. The ability to wake up in the morning and be able to continue where you left the day before without any pains or abnormalities is something that we take for granted. In Tanzania, it is quite common to see relatives coming together to raise funds in support of a family member who is chronically ill. It is for this reason that The Foundation For Tomorrow sees it important to not only invest in educating orphans and vulnerable children, but to also provide proper medical care for our scholars. 

Every year, The Foundation For Tomorrow sets apart a lump sum of our budget to cater for medical insurance cover for our scholars. All TFFT scholars are assured of medical care throughout the year. Our National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) scheme has coverage of all public and most privately-owned hospitals. This ensures that all our scholars, no matter where they are, can access medical help whenever needed. 

Among our many scholars who have benefited from the medical insurance cover is Rachael. Rachael is a Form Four student at Shepherd Secondary School. She has had a hearing problem for many years now. Her condition often comes and goes. Throughout all of her visits to hospitals here in Tanzania, TFFT ensures she is given the best of care through medical insurance coverage. Upon close follow up of her condition, we realized that she needs special attention due to the recurrence of the problem. After several consultations with her Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist, Rachael was booked for surgery to cure the problem. The surgery was thought to be successful, however, one year down the line, progress checkups indicated that her condition was not improving. 

We saw it necessary to reach out beyond our borders of our country for advice and further medication to fight for her health. Because the national insurance does not cover expenses outside the country,  Rachael’s sponsors have generously supported the next steps; an appointment at the Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi. Three weeks ago, Rachael was able to get top-notch service, great care from a prestigious doctor, and is currently still under prescribed medication. As a bonus, she along with her sister got to see the beautiful and busy city of Nairobi. Time will tell whether surgery is necessary in the future. Her sponsors have played a key role in ensuring that she is receiving the best care possible, and we are blown away by their generosity and support throughout this entire process. 

TFFT cannot underestimate the value of proper medical care. Medical care is the right of every child, especially those that are vulnerable and unable to receive access to proper medical care. As we strive to address vulnerability through the lens of education, it is of utmost importance to look out for the well-being of TFFT scholars. With the support of our wonderful sponsors, our scholars can not only get quality education, but access good health care as well. 


