October 15, 2018
Whether you are finishing kindergarten or university, graduation is an exciting time for all students and those who support them. It is a time to realize how far you’ve come and a time for reflection.
“When I look back, I see all the sleepless nights and hustles together with memories of beautiful learning moments–I am proud to say yes, I did it!” This was said by scholar Salvatory during his Form 6 graduation.
This year we are proud to have a total of 18 scholars graduating from 5 different schools!
- Careen from Ifunda Girls High school
- Wema from Lufilyo High School
- Salvatory from Arusha Modern School
- Hellen, David, and Einoti from Usa River Academy
- Jesca from Massama Girls Secondary School
- Ndera, Sarah, Nashivai, Monica, Sophia, and Joyce from Shepherds Secondary School
- Aminiel from Kilimanjaro Primary School
- Kennedy and Upendo from Usa River Academy
We had the honor of attending these graduations, and will cheer as our Shepherds Secondary School scholars walk across the stage at their October 20th graduation ceremony! Being a part of their academic journey and witnessing these remarkable milestones has made our team so proud. TFFT believes in the power of education, and we work hard to invest in our scholars’ education so that they may reach their full potential and thrive in their communities.
During the ceremonies, all of the graduates were so excited and had big smiles on their faces. It was a powerful moment for them and for the TFFT Team to experience. Some scholars did not know TFFT staff would be there, so this was a wonderful surprise for them as well.
Wema, whose school is located 15 hours south of Arusha, said, “I was surprised–I did not expect to see anyone attending my graduation due to my school being so far away. TFFT is my family am so thankful.”
All graduates were given leaving certificates (diplomas) during the ceremony, and some were recognized for their skills in various subjects.
- Salvatory received an academic award for his performance in his math classes
- Glory H received a certificate for her athleticism
- Aminiel received a certificate for his volunteer work
This was a “wow moment” for each member of the team; an opportunity to witness the fruits of the seeds we planted. The ceremony was accompanied with science exhibitions and performances, like dances and educational plays. It was exciting to see the talents of our scholars, how they worked together with their peers, and how the expressed themselves creatively.
Another great part of every ceremony were the speeches given by school leaders and officials. Each one inspiring and encouraging, the educators urged the students to keep moving and growing on their academic journey.
All graduates left feeling hopeful for the future and believing that they can and will reach their goals.
What comes next for each scholar is just as exciting as the journey they have completed. Wema, Jesca, Careen and Salvatory will be attending universities to pursue their individual career paths. Kennedy, Upendo, Angel and Glory said that they are sure they will pass class seven and will soon begin their secondary education–another step toward achieving their dreams.
Helen, David and Einoti must take their national exams in October, and are optimistic about their performances!
Being able to witness these milestones for our scholars shows the true power of education and how the work that TFFT is doing has a widespread, sustainable impact.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -Eleanor Roosevelt