Why Teachers: Spotlight on Mr. Henry Sanga

February 16, 2018

It is an exciting time for TFFT, with the announcement in our January newsletter for our new Classroom Champions program: an addition that we look forward to engaging with the community on in the near future. More details to come, but in the meantime, Melissa, our Country Director and previous Teacher Training program leader, shares the true impact of our teachers through Outstanding Teacher Winner 2014, Mr. Henry Sanga.

“TFFT’s Teachers training has improved my student’s performance in their national exams and my capacity to create and testing teaching and learning techniques that engages students in their learning process” said Mr. Henry Sanga, a TFFT Most Outstanding Teachers awardee in 2014. He used to be a teacher at Star High School where TFFT conducted teachers training from 2011 to 2015. Currently, Mr. Sanga teaches English at Tengeru Boys’ Secondary School.

In his own words, teacher Henry Sanga said “Before participating in the TFFT’s teachers training my students were not performing as well as they perform now. Their performance has been improving since 2012 as a result of my application of teaching and learning techniques that I learned in the Teacher Training program. The trainings that I participated in includes: Classroom Management to maximize student learning, Understanding Learning Styles, Instructional Techniques and Methodologies, Developing Higher Order Thinking Skills and Planning For Effective Instruction. Star High School earning the number 5 position in English subject in the 2013 national exams is the result of my application of the lesson learned from my participation in TFFT’s trainings. After participating in one of the trainings, I started using teaching aids in all of my classes, applying different learner centered techniques like group work, student’s composed exams and marking scheme (i.e with my guidance—one class composes exam and marking scheme, administer the composed exam to another class and mark it), encouraging students to be creative and bring up their idea. All these techniques activated my students’ mind, make them to own their education, and in marking exams students learn how other students answer different questions in the exams.

After attending the leadership training which includes School Management Team mentoring its staff to support them, I decided to adopt it and introduce it to my students. At the end of every class lesson, I ask my students who needs support to pick a student who understood the lesson taught, work with them and report their learnings to me. I am doing this due to the acknowledgement that different students have different understanding and this approach makes students work as team and improve their relationship. This training made a difference and I became a better teacher because of it.”

Mr. Sanga continues to be thankful to The Foundation For Tomorrow for helping him excel as a teacher, implementing these strategies to help his students succeed today and throughout their life.

We are so excited to officially launch our Classroom Champions program and wanted to share a sneak peak for our supporters on the impact that can be made and the outstanding teachers that make our work so worth it! Email info@thefoundationfortomorrow.org for more information or check out our Classroom Champions initiative online today.


