It is with so much so joy that we announce Kelly Albertson as TFFT’s Director of Operations. When we first attempted to create the job description, Meghann and I decided that we were looking for Batman. We needed someone who would bridge the US Office and the TZ Office in a way that resulted in more organizational efficiency and transparency. We needed someone who would approach the role with a sense of possibility; see challenges as opportunities for creative problem solving; and take initiative to explore issues and find potential innovative solutions. We needed someone who would relentlessly pursue the improvement of TFFT’s processes and operations, driven by a desire to produce a streamlined workflow and quantifiable measures of success.

Designing the position was one thing. Once it had shape, we looked at each other wondering if we would really find someone who fit our tall order. We went through a highly competitive application and interview process and were overwhelmed by the interest in the position.

In the end, we we did find our Bat(wo)man. The fit was just right. We could feel it.

In the time since she joined our office, we haven’t looked back. It has been a pleasure welcoming Kelly to our team, and I am thrilled to introduce her to you here today. She will work in our US Office in Charlotte, and will travel to Tanzania 1-2 times annually. Before I turn this post over to Kelly, I must also thank Sutton Kauss, who donated hours upon hours of her time as a pro-bono recruiter to help us find our perfect match. Sutton led the entire process from the creation of the job description to screen every candidate to scheduling interviews. We quickly learned how intricate the recruiting process can be, and we are so grateful for Sutton’s guidance through it all. Thank you, Sutton!!

And, now, we introduce to you… Kelly Albertson!



Greetings TFFT friends and family!!  My name is Kelly Albertson, and I’m TFFT’s new Director of Operations.

From the very moment I learned about The Foundation for Tomorrow’s mission, met Meghann and Kaitlin – as well as our Tanzania team via Skype – heard the inspiring stories about TFFT’s scholars, and witnessed the passion of this dedicated group of individuals working to provide quality education and emotional support for orphaned and vulnerable children in Tanzania, I absolutely knew I was in the right place.  I am excited and honored to be part of the TFFT team.

Not only am I new to TFFT, I’m also a recent transplant to Charlotte, North Carolina.  I must say, I adore the Queen City, especially its mild winters – a welcome respite after years of living in the cold, snowy north!  All jests aside, Charlotte is a beautiful and dynamic city, full of warm and caring people with strong connections to their local communities and beyond.  I’ve met so many wonderful people here, and while I’m thrilled to call Charlotte my new home, I’m also grateful my move here ultimately led me to TFFT.

I come to TFFT with over 20 years of experience in executive management, in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors.  Most recently, I served as Interim Director of International Programs at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University, where I facilitated research, programs, and academic and practitioner exchanges with university and NGO partners around the world. I also taught courses on philanthropy and the nonprofit sector to undergraduate and graduate students at IU and in China.  Prior to that, I co-founded Ionix Internet, a technology firm in San Francisco that developed custom marketing management solutions for global clients and marketing agencies.  Following the sale of that business, I joined Marketing Drive Worldwide as the Managing Director of the U.S. division of its technology development unit, and Square Mile Capital Management, a New York-based real estate investment firm as Administrative Manager.  I hold a B.A. in Chinese History from Columbia University and an M.A. in Philanthropic Studies from Indiana University.

Some of the strengths I bring to TFFT include strategic development and implementation, process management and improvement, systems development, and strong research and evaluation skills.  My goal is to use my deep and broad knowledge of philanthropy, the U.S. nonprofit sector, and global civil society, along with my background in technology development and management, to help build tools and systems to further integrate and support the daily operations in Tanzania and the U.S., and ultimately, to ensure the efficient and effective implementation of TFFT’s programs and resources.

I’m looking forward to getting to know more of you in the coming year!!
