August 31, 2015
“Africans should come together to address the challenges in their communities” was the take away of almost every participant at the African Philanthropies Network Assembly held in Arusha this July. There was a realization from the participants from communities across Africa that there has been a culture of philanthropy for generations. There is a culture that exists encouraging helping others, giving to others who are in need and supporting each other in our extended families, as well as in various groups in the communities we live in.
TFFT understands the value of family and what communities can do for each other. It is why we have stressed the importance of family reunification for our scholars for so long. As we aim to build a strong bond between the scholars and their families, we hope in turn those families can even transform and impact their communities in various ways through their participation and engagement as an active citizen.
TFFT understands the fact that there are different levels at which individuals, if mobilized, can contribute to supporting a cause. With such a culture of giving in the community, even if just a small amount, so much can happen through this cooperation.
Therefore, TFFT created an opportunity for local stakeholders and the community in Tanzania to participate in addressing the challenges facing most vulnerable children and their households. We organized THRIVE CAMPAIGN 2015 to involve the local community change makers. With the THRIVE CAMPAIGN, we have a goal of raising $25,000 to support our work within these communities. The campaign runs through November, culminating with a gala dinner November 27th in Arusha.
The THRIVE CAMPAIN 2015 will involve local corporates, institutions and businesses, as well as the individuals in the community who want to help push forward this idea of Africans coming together to address the challenges in their communities. At different levels of participation these stakeholders will have a room to be able to support growth within their communities.
One objective of the THRIVE CAMPAIGN is to enable TFFT to support over 40 households of TFFT scholars in a Household Economic Strengthening Program. This is a micro-loan entrepreneur program aiming to strengthen the capacity of the households of our scholars. Furthermore, we look at this campaign as one that can provide more resources for the schools and scholars we work with. Through funds raised in this campaign we also intend to build out our life skills development and trainings. We will also be using some of the funds to support out Most Outstanding Teacher Award celebrating the stand out teachers in the Meru District- Arusha. All of this work focused on ensuring the wellbeing of our scholars, teachers and schools we work with.
We encourage people of every kind in Tanzania to be touched by this idea of Africans for African solutions. Please stretch a hand out and support this initiative. The beauty of it is that the more people who can come together and give at any level, the more we can demonstrate the collective power of local participation! Kindly write me at or call: +255 763 970 495 to participate and contribute in fueling the potentials of most vulnerable children in Tanzania