April 5, 2016
This past March 2016, our Teacher Training Program completed an in-service for Teacher Resource Center Coordinators (TRCCs) and Ward Education Coordinators (WECs) of Arusha City Council and Meru District. As an organization, TFFT has a strong belief that quality education transforms lives. This is one of the reasons that we invest ideas, time, and resources in ensuring quality education, and why we encourage students and teachers to succeed.
This 5-day training covered two topics: Participatory Learning Methodologies and Planning for Effective Instruction. This amazing workshop brought together educators from Arusha City Council and Meru District to learn and share their expertise. The participants brought in different and new experiences, lending to a great depth of perspective and variety at the workshop.
We started by sharing the workshop objectives, overview of the 5 days, expectations and targets. Our first click was Participatory Learning Methodologies. We all agreed that participatory learning techniques encourage self-directedness, responsibility, and motivation, and additionally allow students to develop critical thinking skills. At this juncture, the training participants successfully identified how to effectively customize learning to students through the use of various teaching techniques.
The training delivered seamless results, with the teachers actively engaging in serious discussions to work on effectively employing the participatory teaching approach with students. I am confident that with the knowledge and skills participants acquired at the training, they will gain an edge to bring changes in teaching styles, which will lead to quality learning and inspire students to succeed.
Teachers also developed quality lesson plans to assist them with quality instruction and to ensure that the objectives of lessons are achieved. Through an understanding by design, teachers planned according to the 3-stages of lesson planning: identify desired results, determine acceptable evidence, and plan learning experiences. The training participants understood that the plans should be tailored for the different classes according to students’ differences in ability, previous knowledge, motivation, and learning style.
Finally, we discussed their responsibilities as TRCCs and WECs to train other teachers in their designations. Due to the overall lack of resources in Tanzanian government schools, The Foundation For Tomorrow has guaranteed the provision of resources to one Teacher Resource Center each month according to the training proposals.