
I cannot believe it is May and I am already back in the TFFT office!  My name is Maggie Boorman, and some of you may remember me as last year’s TFFT summer intern.  So much has happened in the past year, but at the same time, I feel like I was just here in the office writing notes to donors, posting blogs, and planning for events that seemed so far into the future!  Fortunately, I have been given the opportunity to come back to TFFT again this summer, after having just finished my sophomore year in college.  While I was at school, I tried hard to stay involved with everything that was going on with TFFT.  In the fall, I helped plan the SOS Gala Auction and fortunately, was able to travel back to Charlotte to volunteer at the event.  I also participated in the Share the Love Challenge, and was so excited to raise $1,200 to help support some of our students in Tanzania.


While it was still fun to help support TFFT’s efforts from afar, I am excited to be back in the Charlotte office this summer and again be more involved in the daily life of TFFT. I loved every minute of work last summer, so I was thrilled to come back this year.  The fact that Meghann, Kaitlin, and Kelly need an extra pair of hands in the office means that things are busy for TFFT, which I have learned is always good news in the nonprofit world!


After only being back in the office for a few hours, I saw that my inclination was right – things ARE busy for TFFT right now!  My first few weeks are going to be full of RIDETZ prep.  The riders will start the trek in a little more than a month, which is hard to believe!  I will be spending my time sending out welcome packets to the riders – which include everything from cycling jerseys and shorts, to sunscreen for the African sun, to snacks to keep their energy up as they take on this challenge.  But first, a lot of my time will be spent soliciting in-kind donations from some awesome companies, and hoping that someone on my list will be as excited about RIDETZ and contribute some of these!  I’ll also spend some time helping to coordinate some of the special events that the riders will experience while they are in Tanzania (more on that later).  I love helping to plan for RIDETZ, and I am still hoping to participate as a rider myself one of these years!


Much of my time will also be spent working with the good old Annual Fund!  The Annual Fund is so important to TFFT’s success, so I am going to try to help these final days count!  So, be on the lookout, because you may be getting a letter from me in these next few days… 🙂


I am excited to work with Kaitlin before she leaves for Tanzania, to see Meghann, who just returned from Nigeria (where she was the only participant from outside of Africa at the SHAPE Africa Summit), and to spend more time with Kelly, who I have only briefly met before this summer.  TFFT is so lucky to have such a great team, and I know I will learn so many important things from all of them this summer.  I also have my fingers crossed that Kona Bourne (Meghann’s puppy), will be making a few appearances in the office, because she was one of the highlights last summer!


For now, I’m off to write some letters!
