
June 8, 2016

Hi everyone! My name is Grace Miller, and this will be my second year interning for TFFT. For the past several years, I’ve lived in Lake Wylie, only half an hour from Charlotte, with my step-dad, mom, and younger brother. Starting this fall, I’ll be a senior at Clover High School and will be busy applying to many colleges. In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis and will be playing on my school’s tennis team for my fourth and final year this coming season. Besides tennis, I also enjoy running in my spare time, and I will be attempting to pick up golf again this summer after not playing for a few years. Other than sports, I plan on heading to the beach and the mountains this summer when I’m not working for TFFT.  I’m so excited to see what this summer will bring as I work with TFFT for my second year!


I first learned about TFFT from my step-dad, and I immediately fell in love with TFFT’s mission of supporting the scholars in Tanzania. Not only ensuring education, TFFT’s actions also provide empowerment to each individual scholar that encourages all of them to pursue their goals. However, TFFT’s impact would not be as powerful without the support from all of you, and I would like to personally thank everyone for their support and belief in TFFT.


After learning about TFFT, I knew I wanted to become involved in some way. So last year, I decided to apply for a summer internship, and I was ecstatic when I found out I would be working with TFFT. Throughout last summer, I helped gain donations for this year’s RIDETZ, prepare for the annual SOS Gala, update our social media, and many other essential tasks. This summer, I plan on continuing my work from the previous year as well as exploring other possible endeavors regarding TFFT. I’m sure you’ll be hearing a lot from me in subsequent blog posts, so be sure to check out our blog often! I can’t wait to see what I’ll accomplish these next few months with TFFT, and I hope everyone has an exciting, fun-filled summer!

