Last week we closed the Environment theme with a recycling activity. On separate days, Classes 1-3, 4-6, and the secondary students tried their hand in recycling paper. You would imagine how excited the kids were, especially the classes 1-3, with the activity. We did the session at the dining hall and had to stop several times because the kids became so unruly, everyone wanted to get involved. But anyway, after several stops, we were able to make 2 sheets of paper. Mandu, who is in Class 2, amazed at how “new” paper can be made from used paper, asked me: “Madam, can you fly an airplane too?” I laughed and told him no. Funny how children, innocent as they are, when they see you doing something they think is extraordinary, start believing that you are capable of doing anything.
I have been harboring desire of going back to the classroom to teach. Through Full Circle, I relived my teaching days, preparing lesson plans and activity sheets. But as a teacher I know that one can only plan so much. A session is always dynamic, especially if you allow the students to participate. A student’s question could lead you discussing things you did not anticipate. Two weeks ago, my session with our Form 2 scholars took this unexpected but rather enjoyable turn. Fratern was there, pitching in when necessary. From biodiversity and ecosystems, we ended up talking about acid rain and the Kyoto Protocol. Fratern even had to recall his Chemistry and write the formula for carbonic acid. It was a vibrant discussion. I did not plan to give them an assignment but the session, rich and stimulating as it was, merited it. I invited them to write their thoughts about how a country can develop without causing too much damage to the environment. The work below was submitted by Richard Augustino.
How development can happen without causing too much damage to the environment
By: Richard Augustino, TFFT scholar, Form 2
Development is gradual change from a bad situation to a better situation both economically, politically, and socially. Nowadays development brings a lot of problems to the environment, which can be solved as follows:
- The government and international organizations should be active enough in supporting and governing different activities like industrial activities which is the leading pollutant of the environment. By doing so pollutants may be minimized.
- The combustion system in engines must be fitted with efficient facilities so that the amount of greenhouse gases can be reduced if not eradicated totally.
- Develop the use of alternative energy sources, which are environment friendly like solar power and wind power.
- There should be strong policies governing industrial operations and ensuring that people who invest in industrial development are given proper education on how to handle waste products properly.
- Industrial wastes should be treated to render them harmless to the health of people, plants, and animals.
- There should be establishment of other economic activities like fishing, tourism, and market gardening instead of depending on mining and other activities because these industries pollute the environment leading to health problems.
- Reforestation and afforestation should be undertaken. Trees should be planted where they are cut down and planted in areas where they don’t exist at all.
Generally, according to what are mentioned above, great change should be done in the industrial sector by developing other activities so as to avoid over-dependence on manufacturing and mining industries.
The theme for this month is Nutrition and briefly I told the kids what to expect. The secondary kids are already excited, and Dickluck have already expressed his intention to be the first one to cook!