Hi! I’m Elizabeth Haggart and I am so excited to be a TFFT intern in the Charlotte office this summer. After almost a year of emailing and meeting with Meghann and Kaitlin, it is hard to believe I am finally in the office. I just completed my junior year at Dickinson College, which included the fall semester abroad in Spain. After spending a semester in a university setting that is completely different from what I am used to, I began to research the differences between the US and Spain’s educational systems for a school project. Who knew two prosperous countries could have such different systems of educating their students.
As the summer of 2013 came to an end, I began to think about what to do for the summer of 2014. After reading an article about Meghann and TFFT in a Charlotte Country Day School magazine, I knew I had to find out more about this organization. While I have not been to Tanzania, I am eager to learn more about all TFFT has to offer its students. My goal is to make it there and see all of TFFT’s hard work in action!
It has been an exciting first couple of days. With Kaitlin in Tanzania preparing for RIDETZ and Meghann preparing to go, it has been quite busy. But this did not stop Meghann and Maggie from giving me a great welcome and showing me the ropes. After putting together care packages for the riders, I am very excited to follow the ride, especially Paulina, a TFFT scholar who will be joining the ride.
This week, I have been busy writing thank you notes to the 8 women who visited Matonyak through Project Grace, writing thank you notes to donors, and learning how to use all of TFFT’s social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. I am very excited to start brainstorming ideas for the SOS Gala in November. After hearing about last year’s event, I cannot wait to start planning themes and other important aspects of the event. I am especially grateful to Meghann for allowing me to be apart of the process and attend meetings.
I can definitely tell after just a few days in the office that this is going to be a summer full of learning. All this work will be worthwhile and definitely rewarding. I can’t wait to learn more about all of the students and what makes TFFT so special in everyone’s hearts. For now I’m off to do more work, but I’ll keep you updated on my progress throughout the summer.