Over the next few weeks, leading up to RIDETZ, we are going to be introducing the 11 wonderful, enthusiastic, and excited riders, who will be taking off on June 16th! This way, you can learn about the riders before they leave, and then you can follow them through their journey on the blog as we post updates throughout the ride!
1) Where are you from?
Lake Bluff, Illinois.
2) What do you do for work?
3) What do you like to do in your spare time?
Friends and family time, yoga, addicted to Words with Friends and of course train for RIDETZ!

Pam after a tough training session for RIDETZ!
4) Who is your inspiration in life?
I have too many positive influences in my life to name one. The thing I have taken from them is that you can make a big difference even with the smallest of gestures. I do not mean don’t go for the BIG moments (RIDETZ, etc). Just don’t forget the little things in life can mean so much to so many.
5) How did you hear about RIDETZ?
My niece Kaitlin has been involved with TFFT for years. She rode a couple of years ago and I was determined that I would do it someday – someday has arrived!!
6) What inspired you to want to ride this June?
The wonderful cause and the chance to push myself physically and mentally. Plus I hope to meet Fadhili the young man we help sponsor 🙂
7) Are you celebrating any milestone with RIDETZ?
My 50th birthday!!
8) What is your favorite place to ride? (besides Tanzania that is)
I love riding around town. I have always loved to ride my bike. I have an orange cruiser I ride in Lake Bluff.
9) What unique ways are you planning to fundraise?
I have no real unique way. I have found it so easy to fundraise. People love the cause and are so supportive of me. But I am open to suggestion!!
We are so excited to have Pam on the RIDETZ team! If you would like to support Pam’s RIDETZ campaign, you can do so here.