Jambo everybody!
It has been a while now since you heard from me about TFFT’s Scholarship Program. In Tanzania we have a famous swahili saying which states “kimya kingi kina mshindo mkubwa” meaning “a long silence has a big crash.” Yes this is what this silence meant—a busy month taking care of the TFFT Scholarship Kids, making sure that they are healthy, happy, and well cared for. Likewise, we have observed our kids excel in almost every sphere of their life: academics, sports, discipline, leadership, and in different life skills matters.
In early June this year we witnessed one of our TFFT kids successfully complete a 400-mile bike ride from Kilimanjaro to the coast of the Indian Ocean as part of one of TFFT’s major fund raising events. This is Simon Peter!
Simon was just one among the TFFT kids who did wonders in June. While he was on RIDETZ another group of our kids was busy trying to show the world what they have in sports competition.
All of our kids managed to go through from school level, to ward, division, and district level. Can you imagine how it feels seeing your own kids representing the entire district in the regional competition where there are other representatives from six different districts in Arusha Region? It was really the best gift the kids could give back to TFFT and its supporters all over the world. Thank you everybody for your endless support, which helps these kids shine day after day!
Joyce Elipokea, who is Usa River Academy primary section Head Girl and first in her class, was not satisfied with the district level representation, so she fought tirelessly until she caught everybody’s attention in the netball games … and guess what happened … ? There was no stopping her from representing the Arumeru District in the regional competition, and later she was selected to join the regional team, which represented the entire Arusha Region in Zonal Competition. This is a big achievement. We are very proud of having Joyce in TFFT.
While we in TFFT do not believe that getting good grades in school is the sole factor for a kid’s bright future, we do believe it is very important because it gives the kids confidence that if they are able to lead others academically, they can also do the same in other areas. That creates a can-do spirit within a kid, so we do encourage them to work very hard in academics and other areas and to achieve the best they can. Our efforts are really paying off.
Most of our kids in our partner schools and colleges are surprising their teachers and fellow students because they are coming up day after day… Salvatory, Richard, Joachim, Irene, Asimwe, Namayan, Vaileth, Philimine, Odemary, Daniel, David, Ndera, Dickson, Paulina, Allan … these are just some of TFFT Scholarship kids who were in top five positions in their classes. Actually, most of them were the first.
From outstanding leadership on campus to athletic competition to excelling in the classroom, we are not the only ones who believe we have incredible kids in our scholarship program—our kids are out there proving their potential. Dear TFFT supporters, this is what your generous support does for these kids. They are well balanced socially, academically, spiritually, physically and emotionally. You are giving them this opportunity, which provides them with what we call The Foundation For Tomorrow.