
May 26, 2016

At TFFT, we consider the impact that parental involvement has on student achievement. There really is a positive relationship between parental involvement in schooling and student achievement, as communication between parents and the school brings noticeable improvement in attitude, discipline, and attendance rates of the students.

Early this year, we held a joint meeting with parents/guardians/caregivers to share the organizational perception of parental involvement. Among the many issues discussed, two of them were: the important role played by parents in the discipline of children, and how to best provide for children while they are home during school holidays. Parents also need to keep close contact with their child’s school so that they can be a part of the vision it has for their children and so that they can help to support the school by urging each child to work diligently. The Livelihood Economic Strengthening Program provided by TFFT is meant to increase the capacity of households both to cater for the targeted scholar, and to help improve the economic capacity of the entire household.


We have also formed Family Cells, implemented in order to better support all TFFT Scholars and to help our staff respond to the individual ongoing needs of each scholar. A specific TFFT team member acts as the head of each Family Cell, comprised of around ten scholars who attend the same school. 

Family Cell meetings follow an open and flexible agenda, where relationship building is paramount. Exercises and activities that encourage communication, self-expression, interpersonal skills, and team building  are interspersed with discussions, information sharing and skill development. By strengthening Family Cells, TFFT aims to improve support provided by TFFT staff through free flow of communication, better responsiveness to scholar’s concerns and closer supervision.


Family Cells will be the center of the upcoming mentorship program, where “Big Brothers/ Sisters” in the Family Cell, mentor new and younger scholars, under the supervision of the Family Cell Head. We are most delighted to have Pamela Whitman on board as the Advisor for our Peer Mentoring Program and Livelihood Strengthening Program. Family cells will provide a close link between the actual parents/caregivers and both the school and TFFT. We anticipate that this added connection will:

  • Enhance Scholars’ self-esteem
  • Improve Scholars’ academic achievement
  • Improve parent-child relationships
  • Help parents develop positive attitudes towards school
  • Have a better understanding of the education process.
  • Result in better overall student achievement.

