Hi everyone! My name is Grace Miller, and I couldn’t be more pleased about spending the summer with TFFT as an intern! I was born an hour north of Charleston in a small town called Georgetown. I lived there for about thirteen years, but then my family decided to move closer to Charlotte. I currently live in Lake Wylie, SC, which is about half an hour from Charlotte. I just finished my sophomore year of high school, and I will be a junior this fall at Clover High School. I’m currently on my school’s tennis team, and I’m a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
I first learned about TFFT through my step-dad, who is an avid supporter of TFFT, and I was eager to get involved. At first, I didn’t know much about TFFT, but I could tell that the organization’s mission was wholesome and kindhearted. Even though I haven’t traveled that much, I deeply desire to travel to Africa one day and to help out through service while I’m there. I decided to apply to TFFT for a summer internship to head in that direction. Thankfully, I’ve been rewarded with this amazing internship.
So far, I feel completely welcomed at the TFFT office in Charlotte. I’ve gotten to know Meghann, Ray, and Maggie, as well as the other new summer interns, Lucy and Lambeth. I’m getting caught up about the goals of TFFT and the overall mission of the organization. I’ve been assigned a few campaigns and projects to work on throughout the summer, and I’m helping out with minor tasks along the way. I’m working on the holiday card with Lambeth, as well as learning more about our scholars in Tanzania. Even after a few days, I can tell that this is going to be a highly productive and engaging summer in TFFT’s office. I’m looking forward to helping out TFFT this summer while discovering the impact they have on Tanzania.