
Last year we welcomed June with a band-spankin-new website. I remember the launch clearly. Kat, Catherine, and I had been working around the clock so that it could go live before I hopped on a plane to Tanzania for RIDETZ. Well, here we are one year later, and I cannot imagine life without our updated look and feel. We are thrilled to have a site that matches the spirit of TFFT’s work! It only makes sense to celebrate this anniversary by hearing from the mastermind behind the whole project. So…

Without further adieu, I will turn the post over to Kat.

She really has been an angel for TFFT!


It’s a hot summer’s day in 2011 in Berlin, Germany. I’m burning with the desire to find a good cause that I can get involved with. I want to make a difference – but unfortunately volunteering on location someplace other than Berlin is not possible. So I let myself drop into the rabbit hole that is the internet with the intention to find a cause that catches my attention and moves me so deeply that I’m happy to forget my busy schedule for a couple of hours each week. I cannot remember how many web pages I scoured, but suddenly TFFT’s website popped up on my screen. Immediately my heart jumped and I thought, “This is it.”

It was love at first sight.

Ever since that moment, I’ve been involved with TFFT – professionally and emotionally. Our first project together was the creation of a new website, which we launched last spring with the help of my amazing friend and web developer Catherine Vo. Being immersed in TFFT’s work and collaborating with Kaitlin so closely gave me such a great sense of satisfaction because I knew I was dedicating my time and expertise to a cause that is so much bigger than we can fathom right now.

Right from the beginning, I sensed that there is something very special about TFFT.

TFFT’s work goes well beyond their mission statement. In every conversation I’ve had with Kaitlin, in every piece of promotional material we’ve put together, I can sense on a heart level the love, the passion and the dedication to the children in their programs – and the children that are still out there needing support. Every time I work on something for TFFT, my heart bursts wide open with hope and joy. I feel hope for a better, more sustainable world. And joy that there are people like the TFFT employees and supporters, who are actively working towards equal opportunities for everyone, no matter their background.


TFFT has contributed to my outlook on life immensely.

Their book 400 Miles is always on my work desk. Sometimes I just need to browse the pages to feel my priorities re-align again. Meghann’s story of how she started TFFT and made it what it is today has inspired me greatly and is always at the forefront of my mind as I navigate the question about what legacy I wish to leave. Through working with TFFT I’ve realized how passionate I am about education, about sharing and empowering others with knowledge. And through TFFT’s work I can see what an impact education can have on a single life, how it can change everything.


When I started to work with TFFT, I offered business support and online marketing services. Now, propelled by my desire to have a greater life supporting impact on other people’s lives, I’ve changed my offering. I focus my talents on building online training programs with my clients, so that they can reach the people they’re meant to reach on a global level.

My work is 100% fuelled by my ongoing collaboration with TFFT and infused with their spirit of hope in action.

There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that we cannot afford to delay in doing something about the challenges we face in our global community today. If you feel called to get involved, do it. Ever since that hot summer’s day in 2011, I’ve grown at least 400 miles and I’m looking forward to what the future will bring for both TFFT and me.

TFFTBLOGKirsten & Katalin
