Most mornings I drive to work listening to Tanzania’s Kiss Radio 89.9fm. Coming from the US I’ll be honest, its not that special; however, I failed to bring any cassette tapes, and that’s the only other option in my little rent a car.
Ok, I digress, my point is that for the first time this morning something Mo in the Morning said hit home. She was pointing out that we must all move beyond ideas into action and that only then do we differentiate ourselves. It sounds like common sense, but we often get wrapped up sharing our ideas instead of focusing on what we must do to accomplish them.
This brings me back to our scholars and all their achievements, big and small. Our 104 scholars each have their own ideas on life and what they want to achieve, and month by month our team (and hopefully you all) witness the actions they are taking to make these ideas a reality.
Therefore, today I pose a question to all our readers: What is it that TFFT shares well, what can we improve on, and where do you see our biggest actions and impact being?
I hope our answers are similar, but if not, we have some work to do articulating the actionable results of our Scholarship Program, the Teachers Training Program, and Full Circle, our Lifeskills Program.
I’ll leave you guys with a bold quote from Andre Malraux, the French novelist…
Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk – and to act.
Take this Friday and make a concerted effort to act on some of your good ideas – and then share them with us in the comments – eager to see what we can do collectively to change the state of this world!