How The Foundation For Tomorrow is addressing COVID-19.


We’ve all heard it before, you are only as strong as your weakest link…right?! So why so often do we accept mediocrity? For a month now I’ve been focused on this topic, racking my brain, going back and forth about where I stand on the situation.

Today, literally today, my mind is made up. I will not be one of those who accept anything mediocre. If your weakest link is weak, pull them up or let them go, don’t let it compromise what you are working so hard to achieve.

Last week I spent 5 days with some fabulous Global Shapers, 350 of us from over 150 countries in 9 regions of the world, converging on Geneva to see how our collective power can help change the state of this world.

350 Global Shapers come together to build the ideal city!

350 Global Shapers come together to build the ideal city!

This week I had the opportunity to meet with Dick Law from Arsenal Football Club and learned about how the team and administration’s DNA is focused on QUALITY and the pursuit of it. I’m sure right now you’re thinking, how on earth does all this come together. Well here goes – not anyone I met at the World Economic Forum or anybody involved with Arsenal accepts mediocrity. In fact, in both places it was highlighted to me that one shouldn’t accept anything less than excellence and TFFT’s focus on QUALITY education is what is going to set it apart and ensure those scholars in our program and the teachers and administrations we train will be among the best.

Arsenal Training Centre - where QUALITY is a part of their DNA

Arsenal Training Centre – where QUALITY is a part of their DNA

If you’re interested in reading more on high performance, I suggest looking at Rasmus Ankersen’s The Gold Mine Effect. The concept isn’t one just for sport, it transcends sport and is relevant in a boardroom, classroom, and even within your home!


At the Global Headquarters for The World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland

At the Global Headquarters for The World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland
