By Erasto Kyando

Tell us a little about yourself- where are you from, what do you do in your spare time/what are your hobbies?

My name is Erasto Felix Kyando, Kinga by tribe, born in July 27, 1986 the second born in a family of three children. I was born in Tanga, the northeastern part of Tanzania and later in 1999 my parents shifted to Mbeya, the southern highland part of Tanzania where they currently live. During my spare time I enjoy reading books and watching movies. My hobbies are traveling, teaching, landscaping and designing gardens because I am a lover of beauty and nature. Furthermore I enjoy photography so much.

How did you first learn about TFFT?

I first learned about TFFT through the vacancy ad on the Arusha Times Newspaper and later further on the TFFT’s website.

What about TFFT’s mission inspires you?

I was very much inspired by TFFT’s mission and the fact that TFFT deals with the less privileged kids, especially orphans. I am very much aware of the challenges these kids face and how their future is at risk. Furthermore, I believe that most of these kids are talented but lacking someone who can inspire them and help them to explore what they have and use them for the good of the entire society.

What attracted you to the position as Scholarship Director?
  • I am passionate about working with children and youth
  • I believe working for the organization would help me grow in this vocation of working with marginalized children
  • I want to share the experiences and skills I have with the kids and youth and contribute to TFFT’s mission
  • It has always been my dream to work directly with the society and have a direct impact on it

Going to the TFFT office for my interview and meeting the staff and the time I was afforded by Fratern during the process to meet the kids in school also deepened my desire to be a part of the group. I am happy to be given the chance to work with TFFT.

What previous life experiences do you believe have prepared you for your role as Scholarship Director?

In primary school I was the Head Prefect, after finishing my secondary education I joined the Tanzania Youth Ministries, a Tanzanian-based Christian organization which strive to “change the lives of the youth so that they in turn change the world.” During all the time I have been involved in this organization I served in different leadership positions including Hai District Chairperson, Kilimanjaro Region Vice Chairperson, Mvomero District Secretary, and “Outreach Program Coordinator” for three years in which I was involved in preaching and teaching the Word, organizing various outreach missions, conducting various fundraising activities as well as coaching and mentoring youths and young professionals within and outside the University.

In the University Students Body, I also served as Deputy Minister for Affiliation and Internal Affairs, responsible for general maintenance of peace and harmony within the University. After graduation from college I worked as a Secondary School Teacher and among my duties were:

  • Teaching and facilitating students in the class.
  • Maintaining and monitoring student’s social, psychological and cognitive development
  • Guiding and Counseling students on different educational and non educational matters
  • Coordinating, inspiring and motivating students to discover and use their talents and potentialities.
  • An overseer of the  daily activities taking place in the class.

Therefore,the above information are part of my experiences which will be very applicable in my position as a Scholarship Program Director.

What are your goals for the year?

  • To identify the kids who struggle with their studies and develop a collective strategy together with partner school teachers for helping them
  • Timely visitation and maintenance of close communication with foster families and partner orphanages in order to identify kids’ social and emotional needs during the period they stay at these places
  • Monitor children’s health by checking in with the schools nurses, responding to their health needs immediately and take them to the hospital whenever they require doctor’s attention
  • Developing a model to identify and promote TFFT scholarship children’s talents and potentials by involving them in different activities that will expose their talents
  • Monitoring and adhering to a detailed budget for the supply of the children’s needs and items in a cost effective way
  • Maintaining a sound relationship with partner schools by handling any TFFT-partner school matters with great care and consideration
  • Conducting research to discover new private boarding schools for future partnership with TFFT

What life skills will you prioritize for cultivating our students?

  • Public speaking skills
  • Leadership skills by encouraging those who have leadership abilities to contest for student government posts
  • Self-reliance skills by holding them accountable for their personal properties, other students’ and public properties
  • Instilling a sense of self-confidence, healthy self image as well as self-discipline such as time management skills

Is there anything else you would like to share?

I believe in positivity and possibility and so whenever a conducive environment and positive inspiration are provided for somebody to learn, one can grow to no limit and do wonders. Therefore I would really appreciate your cooperation in working as a team so that together we can create this conducive environment for these kids to grow. I am looking forward to be the best I can and learn much from the TFFT team. Asante sana.


Thank you, Erasto!! We are confident in your ability to positively shape and guide our scholarship kids to help them each believe in themselves and life’s endless possibilities.

Annual Fund Update: We have almost raised $13,000 for the Annual Fund… $3,250 so far this week! We need to raise another $37,000 to reach our matching challenge of $50,000. You can make your 2012 contribution here.
