The streets are filled with country flags, logos, snow (yes obviously!), security guards, and police. Mom & pop shops have been transformed into swanky hospitality suites for the Fortune 100 WEF members in Davos this week. The object is to engage, excite, and incite action with regards to the global agenda. The energy is electric. It’s WEF time … We’re in DAVOS (imagine me turning on a strong German accent), and things are hopping!
The past two days have been phenomenal. We have used this time to strengthening our Global Shaper community. Our 50-person strong team has representation from 50 different Hubs in 39 countries. We are proud to represent the Global Shapers’ Community as we delve into global policy discussions. Professor Schwab really got us going by dissecting WEF and it’s differentiators by explaining what to expect and declaring his goals for Global Shapers. Beyond being the foremost multi-lateral meeting in the world, what really stayed with me was the notion of DAVOS as a laboratory for new ideas. It was exciting to hear this because it is exactly what I want to get out of the experience: listen, learn, and then act!
For example, “What new education innovations exist that can be replicated in Tanzania?”.
Today at lunch we joined the YGL community and the Schwab Social Entrepreneur Fellows. We were tasked to converse about “What nobody told me” (i.e. those golden nuggets that we wish someone had shared when we were first starting our businesses and launching our careers). This was an initiative started by the LA Global Shaper Hub.
My table was incredible – over and over I filled my seat at the table with laughter as we enthusiastically discussed our ideas, interests, and lives. In front of me, I had David and Dr. Felicitas. David is the founder of the commercial leader in urban agriculture and farming. Dr. Felicitas von Peter is the creator of Active Philanthropy, a charitable platform for active giving–the first of its kind in Europe. To my left, I had Vimbayi and Niall. Vimbayi is from Zimbabwe, Africa’s 1st women on Chinese Television (she lived in China for 5 years), and one of the most sought-after news commentators and women’s advocates in Zimbabwe. Niall is Chief Sustainability Officer for BT and was once upon a time Ireland’s top 800m runner. We actually never got to the “nobody told me” task, but we feel like we conquered what exactly “Resilient Dynamism” means. It’s more than a theme for the week–it has consumed my subconscious and I/we have broken it down so many times that I think it deserves it’s own blog post later this week! 🙂
In the end, a Coca-Cola event capped off our Tuesday. The event was specifically for Shapers to interact with top Coke executives. The International President of Coca- Cola, Ahmet Bozer and CEO, Muhtar Kent shared their perspectives on leadership while also challenging us– they gave us a voice and encouraged us to develop solutions to issues affecting our respective communities. We shared ideas and considered innovative solutions. We also basked in the excitement of the thrilling announcement of Coke’s $100,000 commitment to Global Shaper Hubs. The comedy here is that the Annual Meeting’s official sessions haven’t even begun, and if this momentum continues, I think it will take me to the top of Magic Mountain!
We Global Shapers represent the voice of a new generation. People–smart people–keep telling us this over and over again. Despite what critics say, the CEOs, YGLs, professors, royalty and dignitaries here really seem open and inclusive. They are willing to listen, and I assure you there are 50 type-A Global Shapers ready to be heard! We are constructive and intentional innovators who intend to change the state of the world.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” I’ve been counting (really), and I have taken 33,979 steps since getting on the plane from Charlotte to DAVOS. If that’s not a level of assurance that this journey is going to be rad, I am not quite sure what else I can say!
Auf wiedersehen (goodbye in german)