Since her childhood she was not sure about what she wanted to be, but she enrolled in primary school and later joined TFFT to complete her Ordinary Level education. It was not easy either to decide which route to take after her Ordinary Level completion. This important decision involved the expertise and skills of our former Scholarship Program Director Joshua Nassari and the former TFFT Managing Director Fratern Tarimo to brainstorm together with her and use their God given talents and abilities to secure a chance in the National College of Tourism- Arusha Campus for her to study. Their efforts did not end there – they went further and negotiated with a partner organization AfricAid on the possible support they could provide to her while in the college. It turned to be a successful deal for this hardworking student, who is this is none other than but Agnes Zakaria.
When she started the college, she started slowly learning that bakery and pastry production would be an enjoyable major. She found herself enjoying doing it so much that she set a goal to graduate in that major, and today she’s awarded a certificate as an accomplishment to her goal.
I remember one day visiting her in the college and found her in her bakery class, this is how she and her tutor looked like.
Finally on July 6, 2013, it was that big day she was waiting to see in her life, graduation day. With her smiling face and graduation gown, she looked gorgeous while celebrating her hard work, which now had paid off.
For this special occasion I was accompanied by my former boss, Fratern Tarimo, who could not hide his joy for this big goal Agnes had achieved in life.
Two of our last year form four graduates, Nicemary and Magdalena who are now in their first year of college working hard to earn certificates in Community Development and Social Work. They also attended this ceremony to show their love to Agnes.
Above all, Agnes had to say like how the twelve explorers sent by Moses of the Bible reported to him… “we went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its’ fruits” (And by fruits, I mean the cakes and a brown bread!)
Surely, it has been TFFT’s and our Partners’ pleasure to celebrate this remarkable achievement for Agnes. All of us together say Congratulations Agnes! Enjoy your graduation cake and we wish you a successful career life! Your TFFT family is very proud of you.