September 9, 2015
We recently welcomed Noah to our team as Training and Logistics Coordinator. You can read his introduction here.
Some thoughts on my induction
As in any new role, it has taken time to create and develop effective relationships. But it is an exciting, inspiring, and a very rewarding and enjoyable experience. I appreciate and enjoy the enthusiasm of my peers to collaborate with me in sharing their experience, expertise, and new ideas. Making jokes, having fun, chatting about the weekend, and engaging in meaningful conversation about what we do and who we are it has been my best pleasure.
My experience of Sinai and Lendoiya Primary Schools
TFFT is leading a pilot program of co-management with Sinai Primary School. In this pilot program, Lendeiyo is a comparison-controlled school. You can read more about the concept of co-management here. In my short time with TFFT, I have already experienced many differences between Lendoiya and Sinai schools. I have had the chance to conduct classroom observations in Mathematics and English classes for both of the schools. At Lendoiya primary school fifth and sixth graders use one classroom at the same time. As you can imagine, this is a challenge. In class are four rows of desks and tables, the first two are grade 5 and the last two rows are grade 6. This affects learning in many ways, as one grade level need to wait while another grade level is in session. However, at Sinai Primary School with the help of our co-management, the local community, village leaders and school management teams are working together to address problems like this. Being an educator in this context is a learning experience. Now at Sinai primary school teachers are engaging students in learning through many different activities activities.
Being able to conduct class observations and meetings with Meru district education actors (like ward education officers, ward education coordinators, teachers and students) enabled me to recognize areas for future training topics. Also this will be useful and helpful in finalizing the baseline study and prioritizing what to do next with Sinai primary school.