It was Saturday morning September 1, 2012, and we were driving all over Arusha collecting the items that our scholarship kids will use in the coming three months of their school term. We went from one store to the other collecting toothpastes, laundry soaps, bathing soaps, Vaselines, kiwi, toilet papers and many more things. Surprised?


Dickson spent two days in the hospital last week for what we thought was appendicitis. Thankfully it turned out it was just severe stomach cramps. Dickson wrote you the following piece about his experience.  Monday. It was a funny day when I was feeling sick.  I was feeling scared after being taken to the hospital

Celebrating the Graduates!

Tomorrow we will cheer proudly as seven of our Scholarship Students graduate-- four from primary school (like middle school) and three from Form 4 (like part-one of high school). As you can imagine, this is a very exciting occasion for the entire TFFT family, and we do our best to pull all the stops to show


Hello our dearest readers! It's the Scholarship Program again on blog. Usually my program updates are about what's going on at school, but this time you get to learn how our kids spent their break. Being back home very exciting for our kids after they had three intensive months of study at school -- busy

Cultural Day

  Mambo! Greetings from Tanzania. As Tanzania celebrated her 50 years of Independence on December 9, 2011 everyone was very excited with how far our country has gone since when it became independent. If it were a person, I believe Tanzania would have much to tell  from the experience accumulated over the years. Coming this


  Jambo everybody! It has been a while now since you heard from me about TFFT’s Scholarship Program. In Tanzania we have a famous swahili saying which states “kimya kingi kina mshindo mkubwa” meaning “a long silence has a big crash.” Yes this is what this silence meant—a busy month taking care of the TFFT

Erasto Introduces Himself as Scholarship Director

By Erasto Kyando Tell us a little about yourself- where are you from, what do you do in your spare time/what are your hobbies? My name is Erasto Felix Kyando, Kinga by tribe, born in July 27, 1986 the second born in a family of three children. I was born in Tanga, the northeastern part

Erasto Kyando, TFFT’s New Scholarship Director

Today we introduce you to another new addition to the TFFT Team. A few months ago we had to say goodbye to Josh Nassari as Scholarship Director. Josh left to pursue his dream of a career in politics, and we watched with pride as he won his first election last month. Since Josh left, we

Busy Wednesday + a Video

Hello! Today is a busy day for us in Charlotte. We have a meeting at 9am with two very talented individuals (with enormous hearts) who are going to make big things happen for TFFT. One is in New Zealand. One is in Texas. We're meeting on Google+ to begin a collaboration that has us bursting

My First Flight

By Irene Peter, TFFT scholarship student My name is Irene Peter. I am a Form 3 student at Usa River Academy and one of the scholars of The Foundation for Tomorrow. My best subjects are Physics, Chemistry, English, Geography and Mathematics. My ambition is to become an international pilot. It was around 6:15am of 6th