TFFT Scholar Richard’s Letter

October 29, 2015 Today we are in for a treat! One of the TFFT Scholars, Richard Augustino, wrote a heartfelt and inspiring piece offering encouragement and advice to his fellow TFFT Scholars and expressing gratitude to TFFT's wonderful supporters. Currently, Richard is completing his last year of secondary (high) school, and his dream is to


September 28, 2015 A total of 23 TFFT Scholars graduated different levels this year. Sixteen TFFT Scholars graduated class 7 at Usa River Academy on September 12th, and seven TFFT Scholars graduated form 4 at Star High School on September 19th. This is a demonstration of how TFFT is systematically and steadily growing towards assuring

Co-Management Research Pilot

August 26, 2015 The Foundation For Tomorrow carefully avoids complacency. Our inquisitive minds, collaborative efforts, and ambitious nature propel us to new heights. We are now piloting a new research project to test the effectiveness of co-management as a strategy to improve the quality of education in Tanzania. Once again we are grateful to our

Introducing Stephen

July 16, 2015 We are thrilled to welcome Stephen to the team as our Scholarship and Mentoring Program Manager! His strong passion for our mission is inspiring, and we are excited to see the positive impact he is sure to bring TFFT. Welcome Stephen! My name is Stephen Lumati. I was born and brought up

Happy and Sad Boxes

July 10, 2015 Being the Head of our Health and Psychosocial Programs, I am always aware of our children's best interest and how to support their emotional needs. Happy and Sad Boxes are an approach established in schools to offer children an opportunity to communicate and share their rights, and/or the violation of their rights,

TFFT Family Day – A Day of Celebration

It was a special day, a day of its own kind, when all TFFT scholars, their guardians and TFFT Staff came together for the first TFFT Family Day, on Saturday 13th December 2014. It was a day of celebration, celebrating the achievements our scholars have made in their academics and other skills they demonstrate after

Entrepreneurship Training

I will take you back to this Chinese proverb which says, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. It is better to teach someone how to do something than to do it for them. Giving someone a fish


On Saturday, September 13th the TFFT family gathered in full force to celebrate and congratulate the graduation of nine TFFT scholars. This milestone is a powerful symbol of TFFT's work. Our team, donors, volunteers, and partners are all working together towards one goal: making sure orphans and vulnerable children have access to quality education so

Scholarship Program Update

Jambo! It is my hope that you have had nice time during Easter period. On my side, this Easter was so nice and well celebrated, but you know what? It was when colleagues in the office, people at Church and home when I realized that a quarter of this year is already gone…indeed it is.

The TFFT Scholar Selection Process

Background info: TFFT welcomes new children into our scholarship program every year and guarantees education, health, and emotional support through the equivalent high school graduation. One of the most frequently asked questions is how we choose which children become TFFT scholars. In this post Uswege shares some of his personal experience with this selection process.