So what’s the connection between a grassroots NGO like The Foundation For Tomorrow (TFFT) and the powerhouse World Economic Forum (WEF)? I grew up in Charlotte and went to the same school for 13 years. At that point I decided I needed to branch out, challenge myself, and see the world. That mentality took me

The Road to Davos

So I am sitting in the my office this week playing catch up, getting excited about all 2013 has to offer, and truly most of all, diving in deep to all that the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos has to offer. Researching who's attending, what sessions I want to attend, what type of people I

6th Annual SOS Gala

Sorry it’s been so quiet around here! Life with TFFT has been a bit hectic lately (it always is this time of year), but that’s no excuse for the blog silence. If we can bike 400 miles in rural Tanzania and still manage to give you blog updates, the hustle and bustle of our fall

Join Us: SOS Gala

It's that time of year again! October is here, and with it comes the craziness of planning for our two biggest events of the year: the S.O.S Gala here in Charlotte and our Young Founders Event in New York City. These events give us the incredible chance to see, thank, and hug many of the

SOS Gala Invites

Where the heck did this week go?! Stateside we have completely consumed with getting the invitations for the S.O.S Gala prepped, assembled, stuffed, sorted, and off to the post office. We picked up everything from the printer Monday evening. Dave, John, Lisa, and everyone at Allegra Southend takes such good care of TFFT's printing needs.

Safari Disco Club

Back in February we received an email from a darling fifteen year-old who wanted to have a safari themed sweet sixteen birthday party and to request that her friends and family donate to TFFT in lieu of bringing her gifts. This is one of the amazing aspects of our job... in addition to working with the

RIDETZ in Review

Somehow now, a week later, RIDETZ already feels like a distant memory. Most of the riders have returned to their loved ones in the States, and I am sitting here in Tanzania trying to put something into words that feels impossible. In fact, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to say all that I

Update from the bush….

(Whoops! No power, we tried to post this a few days earlier.) We’re past the midway hump, fully exhausted while also a tad energized after a much needed sleep in today! Up here in the Usambara Mountains we’re seeing some of the most breathtaking views Tanzania has to offer. Yesterday, after a 25 mile morning

Leading up to RIDETZ

The riders started arriving in Arusha last Tuesday before the Saturday AM kickoff. The days before the ride are filled with visits to TFFT's Partner Schools and Partner Orphanages so that the riders have the opportunity to see TFFT's mission in action. These days were emotionally charged as the riders soaked up day-to-day life in

RIDETZ – The adventure has begun!

We're just finishing day 4 of our 10 day journey, 400 miles from Mount Kilimanjaro to the Indian Ocean. There has been laughter, cheers, extraordinary sites, plenty of spills and an eye opening introduction to the reality of life here in Tanzania. We're camped out under a cell tower just now, attempting to send you