It was Saturday morning September 1, 2012, and we were driving all over Arusha collecting the items that our scholarship kids will use in the coming three months of their school term. We went from one store to the other collecting toothpastes, laundry soaps, bathing soaps, Vaselines, kiwi, toilet papers and many more things. Surprised? No, you should not be surprised that we work on weekends! It is always this way when you have 82+ kids to take care of, and we have to be sure that each of the kids has what they need to study well and stay happy throughout the term.
The next day Sunday, September 2, 2012 was that big day where every TFFT member on the ground was somewhere collecting our kids and getting them back to school to start their third term.
Most of our kids were very excited to go back to school to meet the rest of their fellows and start afresh this term. There were a few, especially the little ones who were very much used to their homeplaces, that took me some time to convince until everybody made their minds to go back to school. After wining the conversation, my reward was lots of hugs, and everyone was ready for a group photo with me.
Daniel, our Tution Program coordinator, was tirelessly driving the TFFT Truck up and down hills to get our kids from Meru areas. Our kids were very happy in the truck when they met again after being apart during the month-long break.
Fratern, our Managing Director, donated his van, which was also helping taking our kids from different places from Arusha and Meru.
We were also privileged to have the Meru East Constituency Member of Parliament Hon., Joshua Nassari, who is also our previous Scholarship Program Director helping getting our kids to school from Tengeru areas by his own car. This was a memorable moment to our kids knowing that even when people are not working with TFFT anymore they still care for them, and actually this has something to tell people that what TFFT does has value to everybody in the society.
Every one of our kids wore a very big smile when receiving their items for this term from our team members.
A day like this always ends leaving everybody tired from the full day activities, but you know what? We reach our homes happy because we have been able to donate our time to serve these precious kids!