About developer

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So far developer has created 430 blog entries.

Food for Thought Friday

Most mornings I drive to work listening to Tanzania’s Kiss Radio 89.9fm. Coming from the US I’ll be honest, its not that special; however, I failed to bring any cassette tapes, and that's the only other option in my little rent a car. Ok, I digress, my point is that for the first time this


On Saturday, September 13th the TFFT family gathered in full force to celebrate and congratulate the graduation of nine TFFT scholars. This milestone is a powerful symbol of TFFT's work. Our team, donors, volunteers, and partners are all working together towards one goal: making sure orphans and vulnerable children have access to quality education so

Books of Hope

In 2013, I wrote a blog asking for help in setting up mini-literacy centers in government schools we work with. A lot of you responded by donating books from your home, boxes of pens and pencils, sharpeners, writing tablets, cash donation for bookshelves, new leveled readers, teachers’ guides, and a lot of moral support. The

Introducing Anton

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Anton Asukile, our new Partnership Development Manager. In this new role, Anton will work with our partner organizations (schools, orphanages and child care centers, and other local NGOs), forge new community, corporate, and government partnerships to support TFFT's work, and help host any 3rd party visitors

Food For Thought Friday

We’ve all heard it before, you are only as strong as your weakest link…right?! So why so often do we accept mediocrity? For a month now I’ve been focused on this topic, racking my brain, going back and forth about where I stand on the situation. Today, literally today, my mind is made up. I

TFFT Scholars Take the Lead with Community Service

An exciting achievement last week for Full Circle! One of the clubs that we support at Usa River Academy completed their first, student-led community service project! Last year, students participating in the workshop Uswege and I ran with RENEW Organization, students identified the need to educate their fellow students on environmental issues. Their idea for

A TFFT Summer

Wow, who knew two months could go by so quickly! I have loved every minute of my time at TFFT, and man has it been busy. From writing blogs to inform our awesome network of supporters what we’re up to, to calling sponsors, to working on the Gala, helping with RIDETZ, to learning and understanding

Africa descends on DC

Last week was particularly interesting for our TFFT team and monumental for US-Africa relations. 47 of 54 African heads of state convened in DC for a Summit to encourage collaboration between our country and the African continent. I was fortunate to be able to attend the US-Africa Leaders Summit, by invitation from Ambassador Liberata Mulamula,

Tanzania Dreaming-Anna’s Kwaheri

Kwaheri These past five weeks have been amazing. I fell in love with Arusha, and The Foundation for Tomorrow (TFFT) so much that I contemplated “accidentally” missing my flight home. Instead, I will just have to plan my next trip back to Tanzania. There will be so many things I know I will miss when

Wedding Bells are Ringing for Kaitlin!

The past 12 months TFFT has been doing some serious celebrating for our scholars and our team!  This weekend wedding bells are ringing as we take a breather to celebrate Kaitlin becoming Mrs. Perez!  We are pleased to announce that TFFT’s Director of Communications and Donor Development, Kaitlin Rogers is marrying the love of her