About developer

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So far developer has created 430 blog entries.

Providing Life Skills Toolkits

After a baseline study, curriculum development, and teacher training, the final piece of the Life Skills in Schools pilot program is FINALLY complete—providing resource toolkits! I have to say, this was probably the most rewarding part of the pilot for me because you have never seen a kid happier than one who loves football (soccer),

A Warm Welcome to the Midwest

Chicago has always had a special place in TFFT’s heart, and since my move here last summer, I’ve been eager to continue to grow our Chicago presence. On Thursday, May 7, 2015, Bliss Weddings + Events hosted our inaugural Chicago event and official launch party. It was an evening to remember! Lauren Carter, Katie Kozlowski

You did it!!

WOW!! You really blew us away. Together you knocked the socks off our Annual Fund goal. Even without the match, you helped us exceed our goal by 15%. On top of that, you made it possible for us to receive the entire $15,000 match, which bumped us up to 138% of our original goal! Again,

We Have a Secret!

From now until the end of the campaign—May 31, 2015—loyal TFFT supporters have offered an extremely generous gift. All contributions to the Annual Fund, up to $12,500, will be doubled! That means every dollar you give between now and May 31st, 2015 will count not once, but twice. If we don’t reach our $12,500 goal,

PDS Teacher Training

Yes, TFFT-Tanzania has had a very busy first quarter of the year! The world of Full Circle has been no different. We have had a very exciting start to the year as well. At the end of May, we finished the training of 26 teachers and Ward Education Coordinators in life skills education and participatory

Food for Thought Friday

  My family members are staunch Notre Dame people—they bleed green and gold. Today, I want to share excerpts from “Reflection” a short essay by Notre Dame alum Tony Pohlen ’97. While TFFT is and always will be a secular organization, I hope this will resonate regardless of your religious affiliation. In his piece Pohlen points

Teachers Co-create Kiswahili Stories for Mini-books Project

I am happy to announce that The Foundation for Tomorrow is producing Kiswahili mini-books through the generous donation of WaterBridge Outreach. The mini-books were written by a selected group of primary teachers, Teacher Resource Center Coordinator Redempta Msacky and Ward Education Coordinator, Emmanuel Kaaya, all from Meru District here in Arusha. During WaterBridge Outreach’s visit

Join Us In Chicago!

  This is our Chicago debut, and we hope you'll join us for an evening of good cheer in support of quality education in East Africa. Meghann Gunderman, TFFT’s Founder and Executive Director, will be in town for the occasion and looks forward to seeing you. Chicago and the surrounding suburbs have been so good


In the end of the month of February, the TFFT team conducted a one-week media campaign advocating issues of Most Vulnerable Children and their access to quality education in Tanzania. We conducted this campaign on 4 radio stations in Arusha. In addition to advocating the issue of most vulnerable children, the campaign also aimed to


Meghann and I are up tonight tag-teaming the prep work for the March newsletter. The Chicago streets are quiet, and I think the ground is finally thawing. I’m imagining Kona’s puppy head is nestled against Meghann on her couch back in Charlotte. Our teammates in Tanzania are just waking to start their day. As we