About developer

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So far developer has created 430 blog entries.

Introducing Caiti

December 1, 2015 Hi to all TFFT supporters, friends, and family! My name is Caiti Kengott, a new addition to TFFT’s Communications and Donor Development team. I recently graduated from the University of Denver and moved back to Chicago, my home sweet home. I love to travel, spend time with family and friends, read, and

Love Upendo Designs

November 30, 2015 In June 2016, TFFT supporters will come together in to participate in RIDETZ, a 400-mile, bike ride across Tanzania that raises money for The Foundation For Tomorrow. Through my work as a TFFT Intern and volunteer over the past 5 years, I have learned a great deal about the children TFFT supports

Full Circle Update

November 19, 2015 In 2005, Tanzania introduced a class called Personality Development and Sports (PDS) into primary school curriculum. This class aims to educate students on communication, decision-making, health, sports, teamwork, citizenship, and entrepreneurship knowledge and skills. However, limited curriculum and resources existed for PDS, and teachers were not trained to teach these topics. As

TFFT Scholar Richard’s Letter

October 29, 2015 Today we are in for a treat! One of the TFFT Scholars, Richard Augustino, wrote a heartfelt and inspiring piece offering encouragement and advice to his fellow TFFT Scholars and expressing gratitude to TFFT's wonderful supporters. Currently, Richard is completing his last year of secondary (high) school, and his dream is to

Attribution vs. Contribution

October 28, 2015 All in all my recent trip to Tanzania was invigorating. This summer TFFT’s Leadership Team examined the strategic plan and its findings. We determined our priorities for the next five years and in September we started mapping out an implementation plan. As I elaborated on in my last post, this plan addresses

Introducing Theresa

October 27, 2015 We are thrilled to welcome Theresa to the team as an intern in our Tanzania office! She works to track and analyze scholar progress and performance. Her strong passion for our mission is inspiring, and we are excited to see the positive impact he is sure to bring TFFT. Welcome, Theresa! Hi, my name

Challenging Vulnerability

October 23, 2015 Part of my trip to Tanzania has included working through our new strategic plan. We couldn’t have accomplished this without the help of Dr. Kate McAlpine, the consultant who led us through our second strategic planning process. In May we worked with our team and our stakeholders to evaluate the progress of

Introducing Viola

October 22, 2015 We are thrilled to welcome Viola to the team as an intern in our Tanzania office! She is working with Stephen and Theresa to assess the vulnerability of children and their families. Her strong passion for our mission is inspiring, and we are excited to see the positive impact she is sure to bring

Eight Thousand Books, 11 Months, and a Dream Fulfilled

October 20, 2015 Books and reading are my biggest passions and I believe that my early introduction to books and libraries helped me get to where I am now...which is not too far really, but if you know where I came from you would appreciate my journey. Growing up, I was lucky to have

Full Circle Update

September 30, 2015 I cannot believe that we are closing this month next week. It seems like August was just yesterday. This month the Full Circle Program had plans to accomplish many things. Noah and I arranged a children’s rights and responsibilities training at Maji ya Chai Primary School. We managed to prepare the Life