April 11, 2016

For the past 9+ years The Foundation For Tomorrow has sought to provide opportunity for society’s most vulnerable. Like any business, we stay fluid; we learn from those we serve, and thus we adapt and grow. Where our work was once focused solely on putting orphan and vulnerable children in boarding schools, now we have criteria to rate the best schools to put them in. While once we selected scholars from partner orphanages, now we use a set criteria (via the Progress out of Poverty Index) to rate vulnerability and identify potential scholars through the most vulnerable wards in Northern Tanzania. In our early years we trained teachers at partner schools our scholars attended, and now we train teachers from 111 government schools in Tanzania in addition to those at our partner schools. Our Full Circle life-skills program started as an after-school extra curricular program and is now comprised of a curriculum and teachers aid we developed. We pair it with teachers training on that curriculum and provide a tool-kit for teachers and schools that go through that training.

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To make all this happen, it has taken a dedicated team, it has also taken dedicated investors – those who also believe in our vision where through education, all children contribute to society as active and empowered citizens free of exclusion, disadvantage, and vulnerability. Looking ahead, your continued support is essential to the life and strength of our organization. We hope that you will consider giving to our annual fund this year. Your investment in TFFT has brought us to where we are today, celebrating our powerful impact.

Your Annual Fund participation is critical to TFFT’s sustainability and future so that we may:

  •  Retain our talented and passionate staff
  •  Monitor, measure and continually enhance our approach to maximize impact
  •  Remain present in our scholars’ daily lives

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It is exciting to see how far our shared dream for a more equitable world has brought us. This year alone, over one hundred TFFT Scholars will receive quality education, healthcare, and guidance that is changing the course of their lives. Teachers will value and practice student-centered teaching and cascade trainings to additional schools. Families will be reunited and empowered to increase their support of and connection to their children. Children will understand their rights for the first time.

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Thank you for fueling this transformation and making the difference that has enabled us to us to grow in these ways. Your Annual Fund gift is critical to preserving the heart and soul of TFFT. We ask that you please help TFFT continue to make a transformational difference in the lives of orphan and vulnerable children in Tanzania. With your investment, we can take bold new steps in helping individuals reach their full potential, thrive in their communities, carry the future of their nation, and strengthen a world in desperate need of competent and contributing leaders.

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