Photo credit for all of these beautiful photos goes to Nate Kaiser, our awesome RIDETZ Photographer.

Let me start by saying everyone is safe, happy, and healthy! 🙂

riders riding under accacia

I am thrilled to report that all the riders are demonstrating exceptional strength and perseverance and as they tackle this challenge. Yesterday, after completing a run that multiple experienced riders deemed the most fun they’ve ever had on a bike we discussed that RIDETZ is an experience of extremes.

Caniglia crossing bridge

This is a journey that requires extreme mental, physical, and emotional commitment. Every rider pushes through extreme exhaustion and at times extreme pain. And the reward is natural beauty and pure joy that is so extreme it results in gasps, and happy tears, and even disbelief.

I am so proud of every individual who takes on this challenge and so grateful for each of the support networks who make in possible for the riders to pursue this dream. Behind each rider is an army of people who donate, cheer, make arrangements for childcare, run last minute errands, cover extra work at the office, etc, etc, etc. These collective acts of support help propel our riders to the ocean.

kautia spread eagle on dirt

This reminds me that the extreme nature of RIDETZ extends far beyond what we are experiencing here in Tanzania right now. It takes extreme love and sacrifice to encourage your daughter/son/husband/wife/mother/father/friend to take on this challenge. Our riders are empowered (and crazy enough) to face this challenge because they have people who love them fiercely enough to say YES—GO! Do it!! WOW! What do you need? How can I help? To you reading this who fall into that category: Thank. You.


Keyla and Paulina

Of course this is also a perfect representation of the type of support that we believe every child deserves in order to reach his or her full potential. Each of our scholars and millions of orphans and vulnerable children in this world deserve the fierce love and support of people who say YES—GO! Do it!! WOW! What do you need? How can I help? as they go after their dreams.

paulinas support

Charlotte Reading Letter

What gives me chills (as I sit in a bumpy safari car writing this post) is that through RIDETZ the support networks of each of our riders have also become a support network for our 104 TFFT scholars, all of whom are orphaned or vulnerable children. Your donations directly help TFFT provide them the resources and support they need to go after their dreams.

beautiful maasai and baby

This is the magic of RIDETZ. It is all about joining forces to push past limits to realize how limitless we can collectively be. So, here’s to limitless potential… and to enjoying the journey! Thanks for following along!

african stars with bright streak
